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FANDOM FACE OFF TOURNAMENTRules/Tournament process. 1.
A vidder may submit up to one vid in each of the fandoms/fandom groups
listed above. Download links only please. Submission is open from
13th to the 26th of June.2. Please use the existing submission form but do not enter categories but check the Fandom box. Make sure that you name the fandom & the Special Round box is ticked. There is no code word for this round. Tag once you have sent in your entries. This helps me keep track, as no entry details will be posted until we have held the first draw. 3. Vids that have been entered here previously are eligible for this tournament. 4. No crossovers or multifandom source vids allowed unless they are in fandoms already paired as above i.e. BtVS/AtS etc. We will not be accepting crossovers between the different fandom groups or sources not listed. AU/Constructed realities are only acceptable if you are creating a non canon relationship/storyline for existing canon characters. If you need any clarification on this please contact me. 5. Ideally we will need an even number of entries for each fandom. A last minute appeal will be made just before the round is closed for 'make up submissions'. Following that, if there is only one vid submitted in a fandom then that entry will be dropped from the competition. I'll be posting promotion codes/banners so if you want to help get those entries in please feel free to take them and post on your LJ/Site/Blog/forum etc. 6. All entries will be numbered and put into the 'Hat of Destiny tm' and randomly drawn to decide which vids will face off. This will be repeated for each fandom, except where there are only 2 entries when 'Hat of Destiny tm' will be given the night off. Details of the draw will be published. 7. The judges will decide on the winner from each 'Face Off' battle and announce the results. There will be Participation and Round Banners. Winners from each battle will go back into 'Hat of Destiny tm' , to be redrawn for the next round. This process will be 'rinse & repeat' until there is only one vid remaining from each fandom group. Some fandoms will have more rounds than others, so there will be a period of sitting around nail biting tension until we reach this stage for all fandoms. We will try to judge as quickly as possible. 8.
Once we have our fandom finalists there will be a viewers choice poll
and also judge awards where we will make our final selection.
At he moment we expect to pick a 'Best in Tournament', then
several runner up places and very likely Judge's Choices from all
![]() Nominees / Winners
1. Mazza - BtVS/AtS, HeroesWalk to the Beat Champions 2.Cylune - SPN, BSG, Lost, Firefly The Noose TricksterRd1winner Judges Choice Ressurection Rd1winner Fade Out Rd1winner 3.Lilly_the_kid - SPN, SGA/SG1 Hello Poll Winner Celebrity Skin Rd1winnerPoll Winner 4. Littleheaven - BtVS/AtS, SGA/SG1, Firefly What If I came Knocking Rd1winner PlaydeadRd1winner Flagpole SittaWinner 5. Bradcpu - BtVS/AtS, Dollhouse, Heroes, Firefly, LoTS, House Go With The FlowWinner So Whatcha wantWinner Poll Winner Lightning Field Winner Poll Winner Tear You ApartWinner Judges Choice Poll RU Goodnight Moon Rd1winner Poll RU Living Dead Girl Winner Judges Choice 6. Dragonchic - BSG, Smallville, Heroes, TSSC Intergalactic Friends Winner Poll Winner We Are Fandom RU Damaged Winner 45 7. Jayce - Dr Who/Torchwood, Merlin In Her Eyes Learn My Lesson 8. Holdt - BTS/ATS SGA/SG1, True Blood, BSG, Firefly Our Time Only You Mad Shit Apex Punitive Damages 9. SpuffyProductions - BtVS/AtS The Ones who Stand Judges Choice 10. Obsessive24 - SPN, BtVS/AtS, BSG, Dr Who/Torchwood, Heroes, Smallville, House, Firefly, True Blood, Merlin, Twilight, OMG Winner Poll Winner Change in The House of FliesFandom RU Judges Choice All is Full of LoveFandom RU Poll Winner The Other SideFandom RU SunburnWinner Poll Winner Red Fandom RU Judges Choice Poll Winner Post Blue Fall of Man Poll RU One Of A Kind Fandom RU Slow Down GhandiFandom RU Poll Winner Cuckoo Fandom RU Judges Choice 11. E-Transitions - BtVS/AtS, Firefly, Heroes, Twilight, Lost I Hate myself The Rising Sun Heartbreak Roxanne Sparkle Time Fandom RU Poll RU 12. Thandie - SPN, X-Files Kind I want toWinner Poll Winner Let It Take You 13. Buffyann - BSG, Lost, Heroes This World Winner Poll Winner Dreams Rd1winner La marée hauteWinner Poll Winner 14. Gaia89 - Dollhouse, Heroes Comin UndoneFandom RU It's Not Easy 15. Camelia1986 - BtVS/AtS, Dollhouse, Harry Potter, Lost Lumos Maximus Winner Poll Winner Lost Souls Poll RU The End Rd1winner Undisclosed Desires 16. Lithium Doll - SPN, Leverage, TSSC Good Idea at the Time Winner Poll Winner Glittering CloudsWinner Poll RU Army of Me Winner 17. Kiki_Miserychic - SPN, BtVS/AtS, BSG, SGA/SG1, Dr Who/Torchwood, Dollhouse, Merlin, LoTS, TSSC, Heroes, House, Firefly Fried my Little Brains Rd1winner O Death Poll Winner Stronger Fores Poll Winner Fiddle & Drum Rd1winner Poll RU Choose LifeFandom RU Judges Choice The Girl or the Weapon Poll Winner I threw it on the groundFandom RU Does Cameron dream Poll RU Between the BarsWinner Judges Choice Poll RU Skinny Love Poll RU Bale out Judges Choice Poll Winner The Water of Mars Fandom RU Poll RU 18. Mresundance - LoTS, True Blood Runs in the Family.Winner Judges Choice Poll Winner Effigy 19. SabaceanBabe - BSG, TSSC Fade Out Rd1winner Poll RU Mary 20. Tanya - Harry Potter You Don't know me Rd1 Winner 21. Manic Mea - SGA/SG1, X-Files Stop & Stare My December 22. xXLoveEdwardCullenXx - Twilight Everything About You 23. ADF Productions - Lost, LoTS Its The Fear Poll RU Coming Toward 24. Rose - BtVS/AtS, Leverage Come together Fade Away 25. KRL2008 - LoTS May 1 26. Lolilie - BtVS/AtS, BSG, LoTS, True Blood, Merlin, Firefly The Heart of Me Rd1winner On our Knees Fandom RU Judges Choice Savior Poll RU Unfinished Business The Easy Kill Fandom RU Mist and Shadow 27. Val- Merlin, Lost Love so Alike Rd1winner Clair VoyantFandom RU Poll RU 28. Shoopdancer - BtVS/AtS Howl 29. Leviathan - BtVS/AtS, Farscape, Heroes Weird ScienceWinner Poll Winner Thrown Away Rd2 winner Poll Winner Season One Overview Heroes 30. KJ@Svala - SPN, SGA/SG1, BSG, Harry Potter, Farscape Augen Auf Map of The Promblematique Poll RU Amaranth Planet Hell Bye Bye Beautiful Rd1winner Poll RU 31. Athar - BtVS/AtS, Dr Who/Torchwood, TSSC How to Let You Go Accross The Universe Say Goodbye 32. Destiny - BtVS/AtS Goodnight FOlks Rd 2 winner 33. Valika - SGA/SG1, Merlin, Imminent Domain, James Bond 34. Evangelin - BtVS/AtS, Lost, Starting Again Unfaithful 35. Aruna7- SPN, SGA/SG1, Lost, Farscape, BSG, X-Files Praying & Fighting Poll RU Tired of Looking the other Way In Hope Im Gonna be RightFandom RU Till Death Do Us part Been Good Way too Long 36. GrammarWoman - Farscape Situation All Frelled Up Fandom RU 37. Aurora - BtVS/AtS Effigy Poll RU 38. ddcatwoman - Twilight Whatever it Takes 39. XFChemist - SGA/SG1, X-Files My GhostFandom RU My December 40. Melanie - House Gives you Hell 41. Yaya8nfinity - SPN Shot 42. Cheyenne - Twilight Bad Romance |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards