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ROUND ONENominees / Winners ![]() 1.Name = Tami Brandt Vid Title = Wild One Sunnydale Stories Spike Character Video (PG-13 Violence) 2.Name = Aleisha Vid Title = Imperfectly Site Mystic Convention This is a Jayne/River video. This looks at River expressing her feelings toward Jayne and his underlining care for her for how she makes him feel. Best AU 3.Name = Jessie Vid Title = Animal I Have Become Site Name = Connor character study. Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Action, Best Angst, Best Character , Zeppo Award, Judge Choice Andrea 4.Name = Nikki Vid Title = Willow & Oz // Missing You Site Name = I Heart Vidding Willow is completely heartbroken over Oz leaving. Everything she sees seems to remind her of him and everything reminds Oz of her als o Best Relationship RU 5.Name = Aimee Vid Title = Stay Site Name = Aimee's Sanctuary It seems that whenever Veronica thinks she has her relationship with Logan figured out, he always finds a reason why they just don't work together. Lisa Loeb is totally the inner voice of Veronica Mars. Best Video RU, Best Relationship , Best Music Use RU, Neptune Award 6.Name = Elion Vid Title = Whisper Site Name = Crystal Illusions The horror that River has had to bear for so long. 7.Name = WendyLouWho Vid Title = Zero to Hero Site Name = Candy Mountain Dreams Jonathan's journey from rags to riches, pathetic to perfect, gutless to glorious, from zero to hero. "Superstar" Episodic video Best Episodic RU, Most Humorous 8.Name = Kamyar Vid Title = Dangerous Mind Site Name = Future Shokk! The epic battle between Buffy and Angelus .Zeppo RU, Special Award of Merit. 9.Name = We'reDoomed Vid Title = "Wes" Site Name = HammerPixVideo Wesley/Fred relationship over season 5 Angel WARNING: Video contains seriously overused vidder song--Apologies beforehand 10.Name = Victoria Vid Title = Just a Girl Site Name = In Sleep He Sang To Me Episodic to "Harm's Way". Harmony just wants to matter. Meanwhile, she is framed for the murder of an important Wolfram & Hart client. 11.Name = Kristen Vid Title = Rooftops and Invitations Site Name = Buffy Fanatic Cassidy was more troubled than most people knew and Mac was one of the few people he cared about. If he would've let her get closer, she could've saved his soul. 12.Name = Laura Vid Title = Good Boys Site Name = Laura's Buffy/Angel Music Videos The first video I ever made featuring good(bad)boy vamps Angel & Spike. Dancing, fighting, and hopefully just plain fun! Submitting this particular video because of a certain clip at the end, I'm sure you'll understand! 13.Name = Sweet Vid Title = Slayers vs Slayer Site Name = Slayers Time Faith/Buffy video with all seasons...Best Action RU 14.Name = Noelle Valenzuela Vid Title = Mad World Site Name = Beautiful Lie Productions Its such a mad world in Neptune Neptune Award RU 15.Name = Kelly Vid Title = Do You Wanna, Babe? Site Name = Kelly's Video Tee Pee! Captain Jack Harkness - From Doctor Who to Torchwood. Rose loves him, and then so does Gwen ... such lucky women they are! ;)Most Humorous RU 16.Name = Shazzer Vid Title = "Forgiven" Site Name = ...know from dreams House and the Gang - Episodic for 1x05, "Damned If You Do" Best Episodic 17.Name = freedom Vid Title = Chasing Cars Site Name = Some thoughts you need to hide Comments = Deep nonsense, deep feelings. Possible wincest, It's up to you. 18.Name = mysterya Vid Title = A beautiful lie Site Name = Mysterya Video Archive Veronica's life after Lilly's murder.. the 1st season through love, memories, lies, pain and the last episode.. 19.Name = Kalissa Vid Title = Haunted Site Name = Would you erase me? Sam is haunted by those he's lost, the "supernatural" they encounter, and now the visions he's been receiving. 20.Name = Kaory Vid Title = This Love Site Name = KSP The beginning of the vid is the end of the story, Ana shoot Jack, but why? All start when Kate (who is married with Sawyer) see Sawyer and Ana (who is married with Jack) too close and think they have something .She try tell Jack something going on between this two but Jack don't believe her 21.Name = SpikeJem Vid Title = River Site Name = Feelings of the dream River at the Serenity 22.Name = Sarah Beth Vid Title = Jumper Site Name = Rebel Majesty A Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas character study about all his ups and downs...well, mostly downs. Special Award of Merit 23.Name = Nikima Vid Title = In The Air Tonight Site Name = BreakAway Gallery Productions Music Video Awards This video is about the episode Devil's Trap. How Dean and Sam will never forget what that demon did to them and there father. The demon possess there father John. You will see both brothers sides. What Dean remember and What Sam remembers. But Will they ever get the chance to kill him? 24.Name = Megan Vid Title = Supernatural: What Hurts the Most Site Name = N/A Sam and Dean's father has just died. They don't seem to be dealing with his death very well. 25.Name = brighette Vid Title = Running up that Hill Site Name = N/A A look at the pain the Winchesters are experiencing. Best Angst, Hunter Award RU 26.Name = Anne Vid Title = Blind Site Name = got a loaded gun - Anne's LJ Dean wants nothing more than to be able to protect Sam; yet how can he do that when Sam just wants to leave? Dean POV, relationship study with Sam. Best Video , Best Drama 27.Name = Lauralee Vid Title = Who Loves You Site Name = Chipmunk's Lollapolooza: The Imagination Station The Doctor will move Heaven and earth if he has to - to show Rose he loves her as much as she loves him. 28.Name = MJade Vid Title = Never Sleep, Never Die Site Name = Restless Nightmares The Winchester men have always fought evil. Never sleep never die 29.Name = Ar-Feiniel Vid Title = Kantayra's "Blue Horizons" (Part I - "And So It Begins") Site Name = Neurotic Miss Brightside Part 1 (of 5) of Kantayra's wonderful story - Blue Horizons. It covers about 12 and half (more or less) first chapters of this fic. Elizabeth Summers comes from the rich family and has always belonged to the clique of popular and beautiful. But her friends are shallow, her mother is dead and father is a demanding, control-freak prick. She doesn't want that life anymore so she decides to start a new life at the University of New York. 30.Name = Rusalka Blue Vid Title = Wild Site Name = N/a at this time Dean has always had the constant presence of both his father and the demon in his life. When he loses one because of the other, he finds his breaking point .Hunter Award, Judge's Choice Shona 31.Name = Aruna7 Vid Title = I hope you're safe tonight Site Name = Beyond Hope - Aruna7 Kate is still mourning the loss of her first love Tom, and she never forgave herself about his death 32.Name= Buffybot Vid Title = Headstrong Site Name =Evil Hand Issues Lindsey Season 5 Character Vid. 33. Name = Serenity Wintirs Vid Title = Whisper Supernatural action video set to Evanescence and episodic "Devil's Trap". 34.Name = Chad Vid Title = Slipped Away Site Name = Bring On the Night An episodic video for "The Body," my favorite Buffy episode of all time. Also includes scenes from the aftermath of Joyce's death from "Forever." 35.Name = wolfpup Vid Title = Hair of the Dog Dean can be a lot of fun, but you'd better not pick on Sam! Best Character, Best Music Use 36.Name = Rae Vid Title = Time of Dying Site Name = Eternal Devotion Best Editing RU, Best Drama RU Kitty Vid Title = Falling Inside The Black Site Name= WinterEvanesce From Dean's POV, how the darkness is always around him and he needs help through it. He turns to his father for help, but the darkness ends up taking over and makes things worse.Special Award of Merit. REVIEWSReviews by AndreaJudge Choice (Andrea) & Best Video RU - 'Animal I Have Become' Edited by Jessie Each time I watched this during the judging period (very often - and I still enjoy it ) I was gripped by the nonstop action and angst you managed to convey perfectly. Choosing the ideal 'angry' song for Connor - It's no wonder that a creature conceived in such a violent manner, then thrown into a hell dimension would be anything other than an animal and you succinctly reminded us in the intro. I love your choice of colourization, it gave a feeling of intensity and darkness without being washed out, and careful use of B&W clips and filters plus interesting cutting with the original band video. Your 'on beat' editing and use of internal motion matched the pace of the song -the frenetic, relentless violence feels very much like Connor is way out of control, yet you maintain a flow throughout. The intercut clips of various fights with the Beast were particularly effective and again great use of source motion as he lands on the beat. Then you shift again to the pulsing B&W scenes of Connor's lowest points in the S4 Arc, giving it a truly nightmarish feel. Great lyric matches throughout but in particular 'darkest side of me' as he displays his trophy ear made me grimace (in a good way). I enjoyed how you utilized the musical cues of guitar cords and cymbal hits especially Darla at 0.15, lightning bolt at 0.19, Holtz at 1.22 *shivers*, and the final sequence where it stepped into another gear from about 3.06 on the jump cuts, onto the final confrontation with Angel - excellent ending. All in all Jessie, just an amazing vid that I love to watch over and over Best Video RU - 'Stay' Edited by Aimee A bitter sweet, gentle vid echoed by the song with lyrics that so match the relationship that is 'LoVe', you can feel their bewilderment and struggle to understand each other.There is a good use of fade to black and on beat editing, and of course clip/scene matches. I like how you use internal motion to the musical cues, some very subtle which just add to the whole flow - like the head turn at 0.28 and again 0.46 on the guitar cord, the finger point at around 0.40 to name just a few. The soft blurred brightness of the footage just adds to the overall look of the vid that is tender and melancholy with an ending that just breaks the heart. The best portrayal of this relationship I have seen in a vid and a joy to watch. Best Video - 'Blind' Edited by Anne An excellent study of the complex relationship between Dean & Sam, great choice of song with clip to lyric interpretation that are thoughtful and interesting ' source divine' and 'funny valentine' and so on. I love how you use any effects very carefully - there is the light as the car door closes at 0.38 which is then echoed with the car head light on the same musical cue at 0.44, ( they made me go 'ooh'). The pace of clips matches the shift at the instrumental break on 0.32 with the intercut fight scene, and a reverse at around 2.33 works very well. Only a few observations really and that said, it is the synergy all these create that give 'Blind' that indefinable quality. Making it riveting, dramatic and breathtaking, and eminently rewatchable. Reviews by Mara-Sho Judges Choice - 'Wild' Edited By Rusalka Blue This vid captures the complex character of Dean perfectly. The narrative structure of the vid is well matched to the music choice (which, in itself, is inspired) and the clip choice, effects and overlays have been well thought out and executed. If I have one nitpick with the vid it's simply that occasionally the lyrical matching seems a little forced ("moving like a hunter through my back door" for example), but overall it works really well. The exploration of Dean's character follows a stormy and unpredictable path, which is reflected brilliantly by the song and the sheer depth of emotion conveyed in the vid takes my breath away each time I watch it. This really is made of awesome Best Video RU - 'Animal I Have Become' Edited By Jessie Animal I Have Become is a particularly dark vid exploring the character growth - and destruction - of Connor in a way that draws the viewer in and underscores the mistakes and missed opportunities. The clip choice is exceptionally good and the matching of lyrical content to clips is done with real flair. The repetition of themes throughout the vid works well to keep the narrative flow and the editing choice of moving between colour and monochrome is cleverly used here. The final segment of this vid is quite possibly one of the best segments I have seen in a fanvid from any fandom and overall this vid actually made me sympathetic to a character I have previously been ambivalent about. Best Video RU - 'Stay' Edited by Aimee Stay makes for a wonderful insight into the twisted world of LoVe on Veronica Mars. The chosen song makes for a perfect soundtrack and the narrative flow of the vid keeps the viewer hooked from beginning to end. Matching of the internal motion of the shots to the opening instrumental strains is especially well done, as is the repeating theme of the cuttng during the chorus. The matching of shots to lyrical content is done thoughtfully without ever being too obvious and it is clear that a great deal of time and thought went into the structure of this vid. Overall, it is a beautiful vid with the perfect song. Best Video - 'Blind' Edited by Anne Blind, an angsty study of the brothers Winchester which hooks the viewer in with a well executed match-cut paralleling the flashbacks and the events of the pilot episode. The contrasts in the song are well matched with the introduction of an action sequence in the chorus intro and the colouring changes. The narrative flow of the vid is exceptional and the structure takes the viewer through a whole gamut of emotional responses. Of particular note is the timing of the cuts over the repetition of "I know you're broken" - breathtaking. The effects used are subtly placed but are very... effective (for lack of a better word.)Overall, an awesome vid! |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards