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ROUND ELEVENNominees / Winners
![]() ![]() ![]() Vid Title = Pretty Life Site Name = Livejournal 2.Name = Amber Vid Title = Demons Site Name = Skaro Awards Special Award of Merit 3.Name = Crystal Marshall Vid Title = Beautiful Disaster Site Name = Crystal's Space 4.Name = Firefly_Ca Vid Title = My Girlfriend's Famous Site Name = Fanvideos by Firefly_Ca Most Humorrous RU 5. Name = Skeezerbeans Vid Title = Enjoy The Silence Site Name = Visual Dreamtime Best Episodic, Judge's Choice Shona 6.Name = divine_chick Vid Title = Let The bodies hit the floor Site Name = divine awards 7.Name = obsessive24 Vid Title = Climbing up the Walls Site Name = Best Video, Best Editing RU ,Best Drama , Best AU , Judge's Choice Shona 8.Name = Lady_m4ryjane Vid Title = Faith & Dean - Just a Friend of Mine Site Name = Lady_m4ryjane's Music Video Database Best Ensemble, Most Humorous RU 9.Name = Jagwriter78 & Rhoboat Vid Title = Anything The Doctor Can Do Site Name = Inside The TARDIS Most Humorous 10.Name = wolfpup Vid Title = The Line Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids Honorable Mention 11.Name = Leviathan Vid Title = Thrown Away Site Name = Neural Cluster Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Action, Best Character, Best Character, Judge's Choice Andrea 12.Name = Tami Brandt Vid Title = Viva Las Vegas Site Name = Sunnydale Stories Honorable Mention 13.Name = Nicole Vid Title = Cam Mitchell: Replicator Slayer Site Name = Nicole's Creative Musings Best Episodic RU, Best Action RU 14.Name = evangelin Vid Title = This Town Will Burn Site Name = The Scourge of Europe 15.Name = Susu Vid Title = Don't stay Site Name = Beyond-Atlantis Best Relationship RU 16.Name = SpuffyProductions Vid Title = Just a Dream Site Name = SpuffyProductions Vegas Tutorials Honorable Mention 17.Name = sabaceanbabe Vid Title = Pocketful of Consequence Site Name = Just Because Best Drama RU , Best Narrative 18.Name = brighette Vid Title = Fly Away Site Name = Different Sun Vids Best Overview 19.Name = nnaylime Vid Title = Damascus Best Overview RU, Best Narrative RU 20.Name = Thandie Vid Title = In my hands Site Name = Pull the Plug Best AU RU 21.Name: Aislynn Vid Title: Winter Sun Site name: Aislynn's LJ Special Award of Merit 22.Name = sugarfree Vid Title = Animal Site Name = sugarfree's LJ 23.Name = Sweetie Vid Title = Suicide Note Fandom = Supernatural Best Drama , Music Use RU, Effects RU , Character RU 24.Name = WinchesterHaunt Vid Title = Supernatual - Full Metal Alchemist style Site Name = Haunting Grounds 25.Name = Hbowlergirl Vid Title = Ready,Set,Go! Fandom = Doctor Who 26.Name = November'sGuest Vid Title = Keep Me In Your Memory Site Name = Supernatural Fan Fiction and Music Videos 27.Name = KJ@svala Vid Title = Planet Hell Fandom = Stargate SG-1 Best Ensemble RU 28.Name = Buffyann Vid Title = Le manège Site Name = buffyann fanvids Best Relationship, Best Music Use, Judge's Choice Andrea 29.Name = maichan Vid Title = Your Warming Smile Fandom = Supernatural REVIEWSReviews by AndreaClimbing Up the Walls by Obsessive24 - Best Video, Editing RU, AU, Drama RU, Judge's Choice (Shona) We've come to expect something special from Nicky (no pressure) and this vid delivers once again. Not one to shy away from complicated subject/themes this time tackling a fandom fascination, or preoccupation if you like, for incest in TV shows - but does so in such a way that it forces us to scrutinize our own views on the matter. And to question them. Putting aside my own views on the subject, I was struck immediately by an overwhelming feeling of discomfort and of being 'off kilter' As Shona has said 'wrongness' and guilt. The execution is superb, one seamless transition from after another and parallels fandom to fandom that astound/shock when seen in this context. The last phase of the vid from about 3.09 steps up another level with a chilling montage , the intimacy, the parents and children right through to the final to the climax of the 'monsters' in the mirror. A seriously thought provoking vid that really should be on everyone's 'to see' list. Thrown Away By Leviathan- Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Character, Judge's Choice (Andrea), Best Action, Best Effects It is great to have talented editors come to the whedonverse fandom fairly late, it means we get awesome vids afresh and new visions /interpretation of characters and themes. Here is a very interesting view of Spike - the victim, the punching bag, the rejected, the used and abused from the moment he was sired and previously in his human life. All this builds throughout the vid and the feeling of sympathy for the character is almost overwhelming as the bouquet for Joyce is abandoned, Cecily rises to leave a crushed William and the money flutters down over a prostrate Spike as Buffy walks away. Most definitely 'Thrown Away'. It's no secret that I am fan of VAST having vidded a number of their songs myself - I think their style suits the fandom well, you've chosen a great song for Spike. Great clip selection to reinforce the theme and the editing is so tight with great use of both internal and external motion. Very subtle effects that work well and do not overwhelm. Some particular clip/lyric matches which caught my eye/ear were 1.02 'Flag on top the moon' as he stakes his mother, 'Let me in because I'm out' at 1.50 as he & Buffy sit on the doorstep, 'Don't say the words' as Angelus holds his finger up to Drusilla at 3.06. All in all an excellent Spike vid with plenty of action and emotion. Just like the character. Le Manège by Buffyann- Judge's Choice (Andrea), Best Relationship, Best Music Use You know you are smitten with a vid when the chords strike up and a wide smile immediately forms on your face, a feeling of joy just wells up.... (sorry I was getting carried away) Buffyann gets me all emotional again!! I felt an immediate emotional connection with this vid - the source is so beautiful and you have used all of that internal motion and set it to the most perfect song for Chuck and Ned. Tender and sweet (but bittersweet too) The vocals are haunting and feel right for the show, I think being in French enhances the sense of romance. I went and checked the lyrics and was pleased that long forgotten schoolgirl French had allowed me to follow most of it. I loved the touch of the finger tip as 'Un Tour de Magie' and of course the waltzing couple to 'tourne'. It just flows on- 'dances' even, seamlessly (flying over the windmills works so well with that section of the music along with the delicate overlay of Ned & Chuck) and ends with our 'lovers' spinning on the roof. A Wonderful uplifting, beautiful vid made with real instinctive talent and I would suspect love for the song and show. Reviews by Shona Climbing Up the Walls by Obsessive24 - Best Video, Editing RU, AU, Drama RU, Judge's Choice (Shona) Here is an interesting vid which takes on a controversial and divisive topic in not one but three fandoms, and does so in a way that shines a bright light on it and forces one to face it head on. The timings and clip choices in this vid are amazing - and the match cuts amongst all three fandoms are awe inspiring. There is such a sense of 'wrongness' pervading the entire vid and the vidder [Nikki?] plays with the viewer to make them question their own views. Victim or perpetrator? Can such labels be applied? Should they? This is a vid that everyone should see, no matter his or her stance on the thorny topic of incest in these fandoms. This is a vid that forces one to face the issue. Thrown Away By Leviathan- Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Character, Judge's Choice (Andrea), Best Action, Best Effects It's all too easy, given the later portrayal of the character in fandom, to forget that Spike is in many ways the ultimate victim. This vid, in its use of clips and timings, highlights this aspect of the character and manages to show the incredible resilience of someone who keeps on bouncing back time after time. There is little to find fault with in this vid - the timings, the use of effects, the lyrical matching; all these and more combine to produce an accomplished character study which encourages one to take a second look. Enjoy The Silence - Skeezerbeans- Judge's Choice (Shona), Best Episodic This is a remarkably clever vid which combines and concentrates the entire story of the episode in around 4 minutes in a way that makes me want to watch it again. Whereas a lot of vids of this kind (episodic) fall back on simply retelling the story, this vid manages to take the salient points and interlace them in such a way that works beautifully. From a graphics maker's point of view, my only real issue with the presentation of the vid is the use of the border around every frame. I understand why it is done, it ties the whole together beautifully, but rather than blending the 'letterbox' into the video, it emphasizes it. This means that in some of the more brightly lit segments, the viewer is acutely aware of the border rather than what is going on in the rest of the frame. Like I say, it's a tiny niggle and not one that takes away from what is a highly accomplished vid. Kudos! |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards