



Nominees / Winners

1. Name = Firefly_Ca
Vid Title = Tap That
Site Name = Fanvideos by Firefly_Ca

2 .Name = bradcpu
Vid Title = Tear You Apart
Site Name = bradcpu.com
Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Drama, Best AU , Best Narrative RU, Judge's Choice Shona

3. Name = Elion
Vid Title = How Far We've Come
Site Name = Crystal Illusions
Best Effects, Best Ensemble RU, best Overview RU

4. Name = Gaia89
Vid Title = Not Listening
Fandom = Heroes

5.Name = Mazza
Vid Title = You Oughta Know - For Buffy and Angel
Site Name = Buffy and Angel Music Videos
Fandom = Buffy and Angel
6. Name = Liv Niggle
Vid Title = What have you done
Site Name = YouTube Channel
Best Drama RU , best AU RU

7.Name = Tami Brandt
Vid Title = A Sorta Fairytale
Site Name = Sunnydale Stories

8.Name = Lsketch42
Vid Title = Never Say Goodbye
Site Name = Lsketch42's Supernatural Video Vault
 Best Narrative

9.Name = Crystal Marshall
Vid Title = Nicest Kids in Town
Site Name = Crystal's Space

10.Name = Lady_m4ryjane
Vid Title = What Else Is There?
Site Name = Lady_m4ryjane's Music Video Database
  Special Award of Merit

11.Name = Bad Fred
Vid Title = Hysteria
Site Name = Youtube page
Special Award of Merit

12.Name = Victoria
Vid Title = Unknown Soldier
Site Name = In Sleep He Sang To Me
Best Character

13.Name = Milly
Vid Title = Counting Bodies
Site Name = Inner-Demons.org
Best Drama RU , Best Effects RU, Best Music Use , Best Action RU, Judge's Choice Andrea

14.Name = Rae
Vid Title = Home revised
Site Name = Eternal Devotion
15.Name = Buffyann
Vid Title = This World
Site Name = Buffyann Fanvids
Best Video, best Editing RU , Best Ensemble Music Use RU , Best Action, Best Overview, Judge's Choice Andrea
16.Name = Kiska
Vid Title = The Weight Of The World
Site Name = Livejournal
 Best Relationship RU, Judge's Choice Shona

17.Name = wolfpup
Vid Title = Watch Over You
Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids
18.Name = evangelin
Vid Title = Have You Ever
Site Name = The Scourge Of Europe
19.Name = nnaylime
Vid Title = Sweet Religion
Fandom = Battlestar Galactica
Best Character
20.Name = Switch
Vid Title = Too Much Tomorrow
Fandom = Supernatural
21.Name = Taragel
Vid Title = So What?
Site Name = Taragel's Livejournal
Special Award of Merit

22.Name = absrip
Vid Title = Snow on the Sahara
Fandom = Supernatural
 Best Effects RU, Best AU Honorable Mention.
23.Name = divine_chick
Vid Title = What I've Done
Site Name = divine awards

24.Name = Hbowlergirl
Vid Title = Scream
Fandom = Doctor Who
25.Name = monsie
Vid Title = Together We Will Live Forever
Site Name = monsie.angstnromance.net
 Best Relationship
26.Name = rhoboat
Vid Title = Glorious
Site Name = Swirly Things
 Best Ensemble, best Overview

27.Name = JennCho
Vid Title = All I Need
Site Name = Duchess Cloverly Productions
Special Award of Merit

28.Name = November'sGuest
Vid Title = Aftermath
Site Name = Supernatural Fan Fiction and Music Videos
29.Name = ladymajavader
Vid Title = Wild
Site Name = dancingvader
 Best Character RU


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Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site