



Nominees / Winners

 1.  Name = Bella
Vid Title = Booth POV Brennan Kidnapping
Site = Semperance ~ Devoted to Each Other

2. Name = Buanann
Vid Title = Spike
Site  = none
Spike comes out of the amulet and the things that follow.

3.Name = brighette
Vid Title = Heaven Forbid
Site  = Different Sun Vids
Dean wants so much more in life and doesn't want to be left alone.
Special Award of Merit

4.Name = Victoria
Vid Title = Fade Into the Black
Site  = In Sleep He Sang To Me
It gets mighty lonely out there in the black... For the crew of Serenity, they might not always agree, but after taking on a pair of fugitives, Simon and River become part of their family. Together Mal, Zoë, Jayne, Wash, Kaylee, Inara, Simon, and River will take on the whole 'Verse to protect the people they love. Best Ensemble RU, Other Fandom Award RU

5.Name = Sweet
Vid Title = Time to Fight
Site Name = Slayers Time
Faith & Buffy vid created from a fanfiction I wrote...
Special Award of Merit

6.Name = Laura
Vid Title = Crimson & Clover (Spike & Drusilla)
Site =Laura's BtVS/Angel Music Videos
7.Name = Aleisha
Vid Title = I'm Your Mate
Site Name = Mystic Convention
This is a fun look at the friendship between Jayne and Mal, from Jaynes' POV.

8.Name = Firefly_Ca
Vid Title = Let It Go
Site Name = Firefly_Ca's Livejournal
A video for the often overlooked Wallace Fennel, the best sidekick and BFF. Ever.
Best Character RU, Most Humorous , Neptune RU Award

9.Name = Clex
Vid Title = Firestarter
The video mainly focuses on the Winchesters and the growing, albeit twisted relationship they have with the Demon that killed Mary and Jess. Most of it is from the Demon's POV.
Warnings: The entire video consists of fight scenes and some blood and gore.
10.Name = Ringwench
Vid Title = "Born to Kill"
The Winchesters, the demon, and the family business. Season one overview
Best Video, Dude Award, Judge's Choice Shona, Best Editing , Best Drama, Best Music Use , Best Angst, Hunter Award

11.Name = Cordy
Vid Title = Relax...Logan
Site  = Charming Like A God
A cool character video about Logan Echolls!

12.Name = Crystal Marshall
Vid Title = I'll Forget You
Site  = Crystal's Space
In his final moments, Spike tries to convince himself that he'll forget Buffy when he's gone by remembering things from their relationship.

13.Name = Tami Brandt
Vid Title = She Hates Me
Site  = Sunnydale Stories
There are times when the one you love doesn't love you back. (Rated R for Explicit Lyrics)
Most Humorous RU, Best Relationship RU

14.Name = Kelly
Vid Title = I'm With You
Site= Kelly's Video Tee Pee!
From Rose's POV. She waits for Mickey, and he never shows .. instead the Doctor rescues her, and shows her places she could only dream about. Romance Doctor/Rose vid.

15.Name = Kitty
Vid Title = Whispers in the Dark
Site  = WinterEvanesce
Sam POV. This shows what Sam goes through and has to live with everyday from premonitions to fighting the evil.
Special Award of Merit

16*Name = Shazzer
Vid Title = "Forgiven"
Site Name = ...know from dreams
House and the Gang - Episodic for 1x05, "Damned If You Do"

17*Name = Ar-Feiniel
Vid Title = Kantayra's "Blue Horizons" (Part I - "And So It Begins")
Site Name = Neurotic Miss Brightside
Part 1 (of 5) of Kantayra's wonderful story - Blue Horizons.

18.Name = Kamyar
Vid Title = Take Me Away
Site Name = Future Shokk!
How the relationship between Wallace and Jackie affected both their lives
Best Relationship, Neptune Award

19.Name = WendyLouWho
Vid Title = Releasing the Demons
Site Name = Candy Mountain Dreams
Trapped in the dark with nothing to do but think; Angel endures the worst torture of all as he reflects on his life's events; forever haunted by the demon inside of him, and by the demons he has released Zeppo Award RU

20.Name = wolfpup
Vid Title = Shot
Site Name = N/A
Dean is always willing to take the shot for Sam!
Hunter RU Award

21.Name = Kaory
Vid Title = Lucy
Site Name = KSP
Ana Lucia is death but Sawyer can see her everywhere

22.Name = Lissa
Vid Title = Bones - Hide And Seek
Site = Bones: Simple As It Seems
AU/Constructed Reality - When their daughter is taken from them, Temperance shuts down and Seeley walks away...

23.Name = bradcpu
Vid Title = My Little Drum
Site Name = bradcpu.com
House and healing in season one. Music by Vince Guaraldi from "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
Best Video RU, Best Editing RU, Judge's Choice Andrea, Best Character, Best Music Use, Best Ensemble , Other Fandom Award

25.Name = Rhindon
Vid Title = Supernatural - How To Save A Life
Sam's relationship with his family and the pain he's feeling now that his father's gone. Song: How To Save a Life by The Fray

26.Name = idobelieveinfairies87
Vid Title = Dream On
Site Name = Random Midnights
The fights and struggles of Sam and Dean Winchester

27.Name = Chad
Vid Title = Hiding Under Water
Site Name = Bring On The Night
A Season 6 Buffy character study, showing all the hard times she went through during that year.
Best Angst RU

28.Name = mnallison02
Vid Title = "Because of You"
Because of John, Dean has sacrificed any chance of having a normal life and now that he's gone Dean doesn't know what to do.
29.Name = Kaci
Vid Title = Always
Site Name = KaciJaBeth.com - Fics, Vids, and Graphics Galore
After Warren's death, Andrew continues to remember him in a positive light. Jonathan tries to make him remember the darker side of their former leader. The memories that Jonathan forces him to recall are too painful for Andrew, so when The First shows up wearing a Warren-shaped disguise, Andrew's more than ready to do what it says. And to kill Jonathan. Anything to make the memories stop.

 30.Name = Noelle Valenzuela
Vid Title = Odd Girl Out
Site Name = Beautiful Lie Productions
Veronica will always be the odd girl out
31.Name = Kristen
 Vid Title = A Million Miles Away
Site Name = Breaking Free (Used to be Buffy Fanatic)
Logan and Veronica have been through a lot together, but they have also had their share of problems. At times it has seemed as though they're a million miles away.

32.Name = Anna
Vid Title = Inside
Site Name = Bloodline
Angel is starting a new life in Los Angeles, when from his past come out nightmares of blood and violence: Penn, his childe, on whom, Kate is investigating. To save Kate, Angel uncovers his identity, and that puts a wedge between the woman and him, and what they had been slowly building. In the end, Kate will have to choose between the man she has learnt to know and the vampire she has just  found out about. Episodic video for Somnambulism

33.Name = Maria
Vid Title = The beginning
Site Name = Bloodline
The beginning of Angel's game ...
34.Name = Aruna7
Vid Title = When tomorrow comes
Site Name = Beyond Hope - Aruna7
Set during season 1, Sayid becomes Shannon's touchstone on the island, though she would have never expected it.
35.Name = MJade
Vid Title = Every Moment Counts
Site Name = Restless Nightmares
When you live on the Hellmouth, every moment counts. Action from the many years of BTVS & Angel

36.Name = Martouf Marty
Vid Title = Girl Anachronism
Site Name = Martouf Marty's Webpage
A slightly AU Tegan Jovanka (from the Fifth Doctor era) vid.
Best AU RU

37.Name = Elisha Marie
Vid Title = Midnight Show
Site Name = Nummy Treat
Angel has become darkly obsessed with Lilah which culminates in a mass slaughter at Wolfram & Hart and her murder.
Best AU, Best Drama RU, Zeppo Award

 38.Name = Amy
Vid Title = Invisible Ink
Site Name = Elysium
This is a Firefly vid based on the character Inara and her complicated story. It was inspired by the scene in "Bushwacked" when we see her writing in Chinese calligraphy.


Reviews By Andrea

Born To Kill by Ringwench - Best Video
This is a mesmerizing vid that sucks you in and grips you tight until the very chilling end.
An inspired song choice, with apt lyrics for the Winchester Family, and you exploit every aspect of the epic music with the some carefully selected clips that reinforce the mood & theme of the piece. Supernatural is so beautifully shot and you have taken full advantage. I loved the gun motif throughout and the appearance of Metallicar as the guitar cords play as a transition from one scene to another.
Being a sucker for internal motion - I especially liked the lights on the house at 0.17, the bullet hitting the Vampire at 1.59, Megs eyes at 2.39 - oh there were more but there's no point listing. From the shot of Dean at 2.10 it moves into the instrumental section and the suspense builds, unable to tear away your eyes, the goosebumps hit as the strings rise and John lifts his head at 3.28. The closing scenes are so intense & unrelenting - almost to the point of unbearable, with a finale  that  leaves you staring at the screen not quite believing your eyes. It is without doubt the best Supernatural vid I have seen to date and can't wait to see more from you.
My Little Drum by Bradcpu - Best Video RU & Judge's Choice
A challenge in itself to vid a show that is so much, albeit entertaining, talking heads, you have successfully created a unique and fascinating video that captures the character of House, his team and sense that it's not just the patients who undergo healing. It really touches the emotional heartstrings to see this rather tragic figure of House and his inner struggle but it also has it's moments that are poignant and truly uplifting.
A wonderful, unique music choice - as the piano starts you can immediately visualize House playing at home - and so there he is at 0.35. Subtle and perfect use of internal motion to piano notes and vocal beats, such as the scan at 0.04, the seizures and the drop of fluid into the vial.I loved the motif of the ball tossing and the pill in the air, your  use of overlays 'withholds pain control' and the matched clips of House stumbling  just like the patient. A superb vid that gives you something more each time you watch it.

Reviews by Shona

My Little Drum By Bradcpu - Best Video RU
 The choice of music struck me initially as highly unusual but is inspired; the timing and the 'flow' of the piano are perfectly reflected in the cuts and the use of internal motion within the clips used. These all combine to lend this vid an epic feel.
 The choice of clips is brilliantly made, especially in a show which essentially revolves around exposition. Avoiding the obvious choices makes this vid stand out from the crowd. The use of effects and overlays is subtly done – 1:03-07, the text 'withholds pain control' over the clips is a prime example – and add to the finished product with that subtlety.
 This vid feels like a journey, a progression, and is a perfect example of character exploration and growth.

 Born To Kill by Ringwench - Best Video & Judge's Choice
 Oh how to review this without either just saying "Awesome!" or giving you a ten thousand word dissertation… On the 9th of January, I posted this to my LiveJournal: "I need to stop watching the fanvid that's entered in this round of the Art of Vidding Awards which, barring an even better one, will be getting my vote for every damn category it's in. It's just that damn good and every time I watch it (which is a lot) I got more and more hooked. Now I just have to make thedothatgirl agree... *g*"
 I didn't have to 'make' Andrea agree to anything because although I didn't mention this vid by name, fandom, or give any clues, she knew exactly which one I was talking about.
 I could list my absolute favourite moments from this vid, but that would take forever because there is no part of this that I don't love. Of particular note though, 1:06 – placing the clip of young Dean carrying Sam to safety in the middle of the shot of the two of them badly wounded but together, with the lyrics "So I'm with him". Sends a shiver up my spine even just thinking about how perfect that scene is. 2:15, the pulses of white light over Dean – a theme that is repeated from hereon in and which is so subtly used that one might believe those flashes had always been in the shots. 2:33, flashing up the shots of Meg over Dean. Dude, you spawned a fic bunny in my head right there. 3:29. Demon John. This was brilliantly done. Just… awesome.
 And the ending: The crash. The overlays. The music cutting off. The hairs on the back of my neck are still standing on end.

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site