



Nominees / Winners

 1*Name = Anna
Vid Title = Inside
Site Name = Bloodline
Angel is starting a new life in Los Angeles, when from his past come out nightmares of blood and violence: Penn, his childe, on whom, Kate is investigating. To save Kate, Angel uncovers his identity, and that puts a wedge between the woman and him, and what they had been slowly building. In the end, Kate will have to choose between the man she has learnt to know and the vampire she has just  found out about. Episodic video for Somnambulism

2*.name = Maria
Vid Title = The beginning
Site Name = Bloodline
The beginning of Angel's game ...
3.Name = Tami Brandt
Vid Title = Never Tear Us Apart
Site Name = Sunnydale Stories
Lovers, Enemies, Friends, through it all, nothing could ever tear them apart. Rated PG-13.

4.Name = Ar-Feiniel
Vid Title = Vanishing
Site Name = Neurotic Miss Brightside
Everything changes, time flies, precious moments between people come and go, they simply... vanish. A Spuffy video.
5.Name = freedom
Vid Title = When The World Ends
Wincest but very light. Every day is like the last one. Your whole life you try to understand if love means death

6.Name = brighette
Vid Title = Forsaken
Site Name = Different Sun Vids
The Winchesters seem to lead forsaken lives.
Best Ensemble, Hunter Award RU
7.Name = Katie
Vid Title = What A Scene
Site Name =Simple Ruse
Cordelia's transition from sunnydale's super bitch to L.A.'s vision girl.
Best Editing RU , Best Drama RU, Best Character, Zeppo Award RU

8.Name = César188
Vid Title = Willow & Tara - I swear
Site Name = --**Shipper GLBT**--
Before Kennedy, was Tara, Willow visit the tomb of Tara, and remembers the moments with her, and of having sworn that would love her forever, and fulfilled it, despite that already Tara is death, will continue loving her and missing her.
9.Name = Crystal Marshall
Vid Title = Unfaithful
Site Name = Crystal's Space
Buffy and Spike are in a relationship, but Buffy can't stop cheating with Angel her ex. Spike knows and even though it hurts, he still stands by Buffy. She wants to stop but just can't. She needs to make a choice...who will it be?
Best AU
10.Name = sacrilicious
Vid Title = Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth
Site Name = Vid Master List
A tribute to the Winchesters and their love of glorious, glorious violence.

11.Name = afterThought
Vid Title = Zombie
Site Name = afterThought's Realm
This vid is about the pervasive conditioning and control of society by a corrupt government. River realizes her part in it - what she has become and struggles to deal with it.
Best Action RU, Browncoat Award
12.Name = Chad
Vid Title = Song of the Siren
Site Name = Bring on the Night
 season one Veronica Mars video. Very intense, tried to keep with the dark tone of the music. The music is actually the audio track from the movie trailer to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake (2003), which features part of the song "Song to the Siren," as performed by Moneypenny.
Neptune Award
13.Name = Sweet
Vid Title = Slayers Fate
Site Name = Slayers Time
14.Name = Firefly_Ca
Vid Title = "Captain Jack"
 Site Name = Firefly_Ca's LJ
A character study of Captain Jack Harkness, his identities, and all the different lives he's led.
15.Name = Kitty
Vid Title = Scared of Myself
Site Name = WinterEvanesce
From Dean's POV, after the loss of both his parents, he lives in pain. He starts to throw out his anger and pain at his brother and the things he hunts, that he starts to scare himself.
Best Angst RU, Best Character RU
16.Name = Laura
Vid Title = Outlaw (A Spike Story)
Site Name = Laura's Fan Music Videos
The "soul" purpose of this video is to tell a story about Spike - the Outlaw.
Music: Outlaw (Blues) by Pat Benatar
17.Name = Victoria
Vid Title = Sweet Sacrifice
Site Name = In Sleep He Sang To Me
When Illyria takes over Fred's body by killing her, Angel and Co. must learn to deal with it and accept her.
Special Award of Merit
18.Name = mnallison02
Vid Title = Blow Me Away
Boys and their toys. The Winchester men sure do love their guns and they don't hesitate to use them when they need to protect each other. After all, Sam and Dean are all that's left.....
Best Action

 19.Name = Buanann
Vid Title = Prophecy Girl
Site Name = ? (Buanann's Site)
This is an episodic of Prophecy Girl from the end of season one. Buffy chooses to face the Master and so brings her drowning upon herself.
Best Episodic,  Best Storyteller
20. Name = Shoopdancer
Vid Title = Dream On
Site Name = Sinful Desires Music Videos
Buffy and Spike have a dark connection in Season Six, but is what they are feeling love?
Special Award of Merit

21.Name = Rae
Vid Title = Girl Anachronism
Site Name = Eternal Devotion
A look at River's frenzied life.
Best Character
22.Name = Shady
Vid Title = Far Away
Site Name = Shady Designs
My video is an AU Post Chosen world where Buffy is desperately missing Spike.
23.Name = Elion
Vid Title = See Who I Am
Site Name = Crystal Illusions
This is their job, they fight supernatural things.

 24.Name = Aleisha
Vid Title = Supernatural Dream Brothers - Remastered
 Site Name = Mystic Convention
A remastered version of original video. A look at the dream brothers of Supernatural.

25.Name = Kaycee
Vid Title = Everlong Remaster
Site Name = Indifferent Obsession
 A romantic Buffy and Angel video...
Best relationship RU, Best Use of Effects RU

26.Name = Donna
Vid Title = 30 MInutes
Site Name = I am taintly faded
An episodic of Not Pictured.
Best Episodic, Best Ensemble RU

27.Name = Kristian
Vid Title = Here
Site Name = Breathe No More
After the events of the Pilot, Sam's life headed down a very different road than he imagined.

28. Name = wolfpup
Vid Title = Prelude 12-21
The loss of loved ones can bring out the "demon" in anybody.
Best Video RU, Judge's Choice Shona, Best Music Use , Hunter Award, Best Use of Effects

29.Name = Yusagi
Vid Title = I'm There For You
Site Name = Tainted Wishes Awards
Very simple vid, really. The Doctor tells Rose he'll always be there to be her hero

30.Name = tweety
Vid Title = What Hurts The Most
 Veronica and Duncan were a great couple, but then they broke up. The video shows how Veronica is hurt by their break-up.
31.Name = Rusalka Blue
Vid Title = Somewhere Else
Blue Light
Confused and scared about what the future will bring, all Sam knows is that things are going to change. He'll continue on the road with Dean, come what may.
Best Angst, Best POV, Hunter Award RU

32.Name = nikki
Vid Title = Savior
Site Name = I Heart Vidding
After all the wrong Faith has done she tries to makeup for it by herself.

33.Name = obsessive24
Vid Title = Blindfold
Site Name = obsessive24.net
 Angel/Fred. What it means to be saved.
Best Video, Best Editing, Best Drama, Judge's Choice Andrea, Best relationship, Best Music Use RU , Zeppo Award

34.Name = Kaci
Vid Title = Virgin State of Mind
Site Name = Kaci JaBeth.com
 River Tam is one of the brightest minds in the 'Verse. Except that her brilliance is trapped in what basically amounts to the mind of a child--she feels, she expresses. There is no middle-man stopping her from wearing her heart on her sleeve. After the Alliance got done with her, she was left with a Virgin State of Mind.
Special Award of Merit

35.Name = SimbiAni
Vid Title = When You're With Me!
Site Name = SongFics iN Motion : Dreamz a'Luv Productions
 The Doctor and Rose- when they're together, they're on top of the world.
Most Humorous, TARDIS Award

36.Name = Cordy
Vid Title = Uptown Girl
Site Name = Classy Uptown Girl
 A funny video about Cordy in ATS Season 1!

37.Name = We'reDoomed
Vid Title = "Bloody Williams' Neighborhood"
Site Name = HammerPixVideo
Spike comedy/episodic based on Buffy S2 ep "School Hard"
Most Humorous RU


Reviews by Andrea

Blindfold by Obsessive24 - Best Video and Judge's Choice
Blindfold is a superbly edited, stunning visual treat & an insightful study of an underappreciated relationship in Angel. I love the parallels you show in the characters, how they save each other and strive to do so, from their first meeting in Pylea through the arrival of Jasmine to the final season where W&H which threatens to corrupt them from within.
This is a beautiful song by Morcheeba, so perfect in pace and tone for the subject matter. You create an entrancing introduction that has us drifting dreamlike to Fred's new 'cave' at the Hyperion, superb time toggle as we glide along her graffiti wall and then stop to a drum beat. Some beautiful clip to lyric matches, how can 'tell them I've gone' not raise a lump in any fans throat.
I really love the sequence from the 'scratching' at 0.33 with Jasmine, you have breathtaking internal motion as the bullet puffs away her cardigan on exit, and finally strikes Angel at around 0.52 on the cymbal crash, whilst intercut with their escape in Pylea.
There are also some wonderful Clip matches as Fred turns from the wall in room to the cave, the bloody hand that becomes the hand of the black thorn, the soul as it rises in the sky and becomes the sun. I also love how the clip of Fred looking into Angel at 2.14 kind of foreshadows Angel staring into the Hole in the World on his attempt to save Fred.
I also adored how, just prior to the kiss, you fade into Jasmine all aglow as the sound of the strings rise. Returning to it at 2.39 intercut with Fred pulling back her bloody hand from Angel in the cave and wonderful masking where she fades from the picture. The final sequences with fantastic zooms and time toggling, (Angel's signature to the strings!) and what can I say about the overlays - just pulling at all the heartstrings as we see Fred's face as Angel goes into the final battle.
A simply superb video full of understanding and emotion, not just a technical exercise and it truly reminds me of all the reasons why I love this show so much and am still rue the day it ended.

 Prelude 12-21 by Wolfpup  - Best Video RU
Prelude 12-21 is a wonderful vidlet exploring how Sam has affected the lives of all those close to him.
You have chosen a song with so much potential and you haven't squandered any opportunity to use all the interesting aspects of the music. Great use of the 'music box' introduction to the babies mobile and flickering nightlight, and good clip to lyric matching especially with 'lay me to sleep' without becoming repetitive. The ending is perfect and chilling with the return of the music box strains and the final 'lay me to sleep'. I personally felt that being shorter than the normal video also adds to the impact of this piece, and I must admit that it would immediately make me want to watch it again.
I loved your use of the internal motion, such as the head turn at 0.45, Dean hitting the post at 0.57 & Meg's eyes at 1.21 and flashes to the drum beats/claps/voices. You have used effects with care in combination with 'vision' clips, reinforcing that sense of chaos but still allowing the vid to flow. A very entertaining SPN vid.

Reviews by Shona

The use of internal motion as a set up and introduction to the themes of this vid is beautifully done, the clip choices are wonderful and the matching of lyrics to visuals is subtly done without ever becoming predictable.
Technically this vid is of an incredibly high standard - the match cut of Fred turning from the wall at 0:29-0:30 being the perfect example of something that film editors struggle for years to be able to achieve but which is ultimately an innate talent (can you tell I'm jealous yet? *g*). The continued use of motion in the vid echoes this intuitive grasp of editing.
Fred's continued search for personal identity is wonderfully captured in the lyrical content, and the overlays in the final segment of the vid are just incredible. Especially notable is the final overlay of Fred's smile fading slowly over the top of the battle in the alley. The hairs on the back of my neck are still standing on end here.
Overall, a wonderfully accomplished vid that manages to make me smile warmly and send shivers up my spine at the exact same moment. Kudos!
Prelude 12-21
When I'm watching the nominated vids for the first time in order to shorlist them, I have a list of all the entries and I scribble notes down on that list for my initial impressions. There is one word written next to this vid title on that list. Wow.
I'm a Dean girl personally, but this exploration of Sam and his view of the effect he has on those around him is almost enough to make me a Sammy girl. The vid is that good.
The use of the effects from the show itself and the subtle overlay of effects introduced to the vidder (to the extent where I went back to the source material just to make sure the effects I was seeing weren't in the original) is just awesome.
The subtle progression of those people who have been affected by Sam's presence in their lives - from Sam's view in a negative way - is beautifully done, mirroring the linear timeline of the source material. And the final clip choice, with the overlay of the mobile and Sam's contented face as he settles back into what he sees as normality, as well as being beautifully executed, I find this a starkly chilling ending personally.
This vid? Made of awesome.

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site