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ROUND FOURNominees / Winners
![]() 1.Name = Christine Johnson AKA Jendeana
Vid Title = Till You Come Back To Me Agai A fan vid to Garth Brooks "Come Back To Me Again" Sam is the lighthouse to Deans sinking Ship. Not a Wincest vid, just brotherly love. 2.Name = Helena Vid Title = Better Days Site Name = Immortal Spark a chosen episodic video about how the gang changed the world in only one night. 3.Name = Tami Brandt Vid Title = The Way We Were Site Name = Sunnydale Stories Post NFA - Angel & Spike remember the way they were. Rated G. 4.Name = freedom Vid Title = Hysteria its R here because of violence. Spoilers up to "Born Under a Bad Sign" Sammy is bad, very bad. Sammy is evil. evil Sammy doing evil, bad-bad things and he's crazy as hell. Special Award of Merit 5.Name = Kitty Vid Title = Always With Me Site_URL = Site Name = WinterEvanesce Sam loses Jessica and dreams about he1.Name = Christine Johnson AKA Jendeana Vid Title = Till You Come Back To Me Agai A fan vid to Garth Brooks "Come Back To Me Again" Sam is the lighthouse to Deans sinking Ship. Not a Wincest vid, just brotherly love. Best Drama 6.Name = mnallison02 Vid Title = The Funeral Dean promised Sam that if he ever turned evil he would kill him. Now Dean must decided if he chooses to keep his promise or his brother. Best Angst RU 7.Name = Alexis Rockford & Cassandra Elise Vid Title = Thankful Site Name = Melodies of Life The Lostaways share a meal and count their blessings. 8.Name = wolfpup Vid Title = Last One Standing Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids Things that go bump in the night are one thing, but your worst fear can be a lot more human. Best Angst 9.Name = Laura Vid Title = Vamp in Jet's Clothing Site Name = Atomic Dreams Spike is from the wrong side of the cemetery, but he can't stay away from Buffy, and she can't stay away from him, even though her friends want him gone and out of her life. song: Shark in Jet's Clothing (Blondie) 10.Name = brighette Vid Title = Renegade Site Name = Different Sun Vids Dean often seems to find himself in trouble. Between the law and demons, he's something of an outlaw. Best Music Use RU, Best Character RU, Hunter Award RU 11.Name = Kristian Vid Title = Better Than Me Site Name = Breathe No More Dean and Peyton were together, but he had to leave her to continue hunting. They keep thinking about each other. Finally, Dean gives in and goes back to her. Their time is cut short due to John calling Dean. He needs Sam and Dean to meet him to kill the demon. Dean has to regrettably leave Peyton again. This time Peyton knows that once the demon is killed, Dean will return to her. 12.Name = Lissa Vid Title = Unlovable Site Name = Simple As It Seems AU/Constructed Reality - Brennan feels betrayed when she finds out about Booth's relationship with Cam... 13.Name = Daryn Vid Title = Call Me Al Site Name = Pink Bucket Productions: Song Videos A Dan/Al slash-focused song video from Deadwood to Paul Simon's 'You Can Call Me Al'. Most Humorous 14.Name = tweety Vid Title = Time Site Name = Tweety's Production A video showing Lo-Ve mostly during season one 15.Name = sophie Vid Title = Mad Season Site Name = Bitten Xander & Anya in season 6 when we saw the best & the worst of them. Special Award of Merit 16.Name = Buffybot Vid Title = Fallen Site Name = Evil Hand Issues A romantic, sad fairytale... 17.Name = Shady Vid Title = Family Portrait Site Name = Shady Designs AU. Dawn POV. Dawn is growing incredibly tired of watching her family self-destruct in front of her eyes. 18.Name = Crystal Marshall Vid Title = Incomplete Site Name = Crystal's Space Spike's POV about how he lost Buffy and even though he looks for comfort from others, he still loves Buffy and misses her!!! 19.Name = Leanna Vid Title = One Thing Site Name = Graceful Illusions [AU] Veronica struggles with her growing feelings for Mac. Best Editing RU, Best POV, Best AU, Other Fandom Award 20.Name = César188 Vid Title = Willow & Kennedy - Be your love Site Name = --**Shipper GLBT**-- After the death of Willow’s girlfriend, she didn’t want to be in another relationship, but there’s a new girl in town, Kennedy and she wants to be her love, and she’ll do anything to gain her heart and make her fall in love with her. Is Willow gonna fall in love again? 21.Name=Firefly_Ca's Vid Title = Harder to Breathe Site Name = Firefly_Ca's LJ A video about Sam's demon possession, with a brief look at the similarities between his possession and Meg's. Song contains a profanity. Best Action RU, Best Storyteller RU, Best Effects RU, Judge's Choice Shona , Hunter Award 22.Name = Kelly Vid Title = Pieces of Me Site Name = Kelly's Video Tee Pee! A cute and light hearted Charlie & Claire video. 23.Name = Rusalka Blue Vid Title = No More Mr. Nice Guy Site Name = In the Blue Light The Winchesters are modern day outlaws in the eyes of others. They're just doing their job, but having their reputations damaged and the law on their tail has made them just a little bit cranky. Best Video RU, Best Music Use, Hunter Award RU 24.Name = Maurauder Vid Title = Supernatural - Chasing Cars Site Name = Illyria Opening Credit A Supernatural Fan Vid. Song: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol 25.Name = Aleisha Vid Title = Dangerous Type1.Name = Christine Johnson AKA Jendeana Vid Title = Till You Come Back To Me Agai A fan vid to Garth Brooks "Come Back To Me Again" Sam is the lighthouse to Deans sinking Ship. Not a Wincest vid, just brotherly love. 26.Name = Ar-Feiniel Vid Title = Kantayra's "Blue Horizons" (Part II - "Baby Steps") Site Name = Neurotic Miss Brightside Comments = Part 2 (of 5) of Kantayra's wonderful story - ''Blue Horizons''. It covers chapters 13 to 19 and starts where Part 1 - "And So It Begins" - ended (Elizabeth and Riley split, Spike consoles Elizabeth. Full description: ). 27.Name = Buanann Vid Title = Pain Site Name = ? (Buanann's Site) Angel and Darla's relationship in the second season was filled with lots of pain. Best Relationship, Best Drama RU , Zeppo Award RU 28.Name = bradcpu Vid Title = Living Dead Girl Site Name = Action-heavy Faith character study Best Video, Best Editing, Best Action, Best Character, Judge's Choice Andrea, Best Effects, Zeppo Award 29.Name = Faith Mars Vid Title = Planets Site Name = Livejournal Nothing is easy when it comes to the relationship of Max and Alec, especially when you're Alec. Best POV RU 30.Name = Noelle V. Vid Title = Gone Site Name = Beautiful Lie Productions When Tara died,Willow became broken 31.Name = Victoria Vid Title = Broken Site Name = In Sleep He Sang To Me Two lost souls find each other on an island, but their pride keeps them from being together. 32.Name = Elisha Marie Vid Title = Everytime Site Name = Nummy Treat Best Storyteller, Best AU RU, Other Fandom Award RU 33.Name = Cheryl aka Shimmerinstars77 Vid Title = Forever Young Using the message of the song,what John may have wanted for his sons. Sam and Dean helping people have the chance to stay "forever young." And the brother's still managing to stay young at heart with all they deal with. 34.Name = whereistheluv Vid Title = Colorblind 2.Name = Helena Vid Title = Better Days Site Name = Immortal Spark a chosen episodic video about how the gang changed the world in only one night. Special Award of Merit 35.Name = nicole Vid Title = Hero Site Name = Nicole's Creative Musings Max/Logan shipper video. Logan POV. Even though Max was the superhero..he never let her down and was always there for her. Best Relationship RU REVIEWSReviews by AndreaBest Video & Judge's Choice - Living Dead Girl by Bradcpu I set aside the fact that I love the song (I made an AtS soundtrack years ago with this version ) and I adore the character, it is Brad's inventive clip choices, interpretations of the seemingly 'nonsense' lyrics (how appropriate to Faith) and thorough character development that dazzles me with, in my opinion, the best Video I have seen here at the AVA's to date. With all the associations that this song has with the character it would be easy to fall into neatly synchronized fight scenes (Faith has a huge selection to choose from) some flashy cuts and lots of sexiness, Whilst that might be pretty there's so much more to Faith. But Brad made this so, no chance there. Like Shona says - it's subtle with a capital SUB(text), looking at the meaning of being the slayer and how her and Buffy's arc are not that different - "What are you thinking about, same thing you are". From the very beginning using those silent horror movie titles and those barely audible audio clips, of Faith, Buffy and Wes that send chills up the spine that signal' hold tight we're in for a hell of a ride'. And we're off with Revelations - the beginning of the end of Faith as the seed of doubt and isolation planted by corrupt Gwen Post. Great musicality throughout and use of internal motion that to list everything would seem kinda boring so I just will note the stuff that made me gasp - blood drips to 'flat foot' -the letter opener at dragging across the table - the 'Angel' audio - hunchback juice ( the shift of the eyes and the droplet) - dollar bills. as the knives move Great clip matches throughout - leaping onto Wes which then turns into Xander, the fire from the first slayer which then becomes the 5x5 torture scene. There are so many and so much effort has gone into this work each repeat viewing gives a little more that you didn't catch the first time because you were too busy marveling over something else. I love the use of the static effects and zooms and pans, the clips made to look like silent movie 'cemetery things' Can something flow in a deliberately disjointed manner, because this did. 'Faith' now has a new definitive vid - and this is it Fantastic doesn't begin cover it. Best Video RU - No More Mr. Nice Guy - Rusalka Blue A fun, fast and upbeat if not violent( this is SPN) fan vid. Great to see again a lighter side to Supernatural amongst all that overwhelming angst, and the facial expressions between Sam and Dean a put to excellent use as the "Mr Clean" chorus . Good use of internal movement to the music pace and sounds, I love the opening scene with the gunshots, fast moving clips and then the helicopter and lights that shine as the guitar cords sound and you manage to maintain this. Very funny clip to lyric matches that always bring a smile to your face, literal in more comedic vids works well imo, and there are some here that would have been difficult to resist. I loved the 'punch me on the nose' , 'sweet sweet thing' and 'opening doors for old ladies'. And wonderful closing scene as Dean collapses on the final drum beat. Classic. A eminently rewatchable vid that reminds me of why I enjoy this show. A job well done. Reviews by Shona Best Video - Living Dead Girl - Bradcpu Although this vid also won our 'effects' award, the word I most want to use to describe this is *subtle*. The clip choice shows a huge amount of faith (no pun intended) in the intelligence of the viewer and does not once fall into the form of cliché or predictability. I'm a Faith fan, I love how complex her character is and how clouded her motivations are. This vid perfectly captures exactly that - the unpredictableness, the angst, the horror, the joy, the regret, the clouded hope, the sheer essence of Faith. I should stop now before I get all poetic, because I could seriously go on and on all night. I love this vid. It deserves all the praise it gets, and more. Best Video RU - No More Mr Nice Guy - Rusalka Blue The timings within this vid and the use of internal movement rock. There should be a better word for it, and there no doubt is, but right now all I can say is "This rocks!". It's rare that a Supernatural vid can make me grin, but this one hits the nail on the head. One slight niggle I had was that the second verse was a tiny bit too literal in matching the lyrics to the visual content, but the effect works because I'm nodding along as I'm watching it and thinking that it's really cleverly done. And, as Andrea is no doubt going to mention, Dean collapsing on the drum roll? Classic. Wonderful matching of music to content and overall a fantastic feel-good vid which captures a side of Supernatural that is all too often lost amidst the angst. Kudos! Judge's Choice - Harder To Breathe -Firefly_Ca The timing of the clips to the music in this vid along with the light pulses and other effects are awe-inspiring. The continuity works so well within the vid - the integration of the Meg exorcism scene along with the Sam possession/exorcism was just awesome. The recurring parallels of Meg and Sam work incredibly well in this vid, and the changes between vocals and instrumental are well thought out. The clip at 2.00 particularly shows an incredibly match between lyrical content and visual content. And the end, the eye twitch in time to the final guitar chord? I will never tire of watching that! In fact, as I'm typing this review the vid is playing on a loop and I've no intention of switching it off any time soon... :) |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards