



Nominees / Winners

 Name = sophie
Vid Title = All These Things That I've Done
Site Name = Bitten
7 years & only one man has been by Buffy's side through it all - Xander.

Name = Sammy
Vid Title = Far Away
Site Name = Inside The Tardis
This is a Tenth Doctor/Rose vid set to Nickelback's song Far Away.
Best Relationship, Best Effects, Other Fandom Award

Name = mnallison02
Vid Title = Until The End
Site Name = Blow Me Away Videos
No matter what Dean does, Sam will be with him until the end.
Best Drama

Name = Nicole
Vid Title = Faint
Site Name = Nicole's Creative Musings
Logan POV. He loves Max and she loves him, but she keeps pushing him away. He refuses to give up and makes her listen.

Name = Aruna7
Vid Title = Original Cindy will stand by you
Site Name = Beyond Hope - Aruna7
Original Cindy has always been Max's guardian angel, and will always be.

Name = Tami Brandt
Vid Title = In the Air Tonight
Site Name = Sunnydale Stories
Angel makes his way through the night searching for Spike. Will he be in time to save his childe from a deranged slayer? (ATS Season 5: Damage Episodic) Rated R (Torture)

Name = Firefly_Ca
Vid Title = Hurt
Site Name = Firefly_Ca's LJ
How Logan Echolls views his life, his friendships, the people he's lost, and his relationship with Veronica.

Name = Buanann
Vid Title = It's Not Over
Site Name = Questions
When Darla came back as human, Angel was convinced that He could make their relationship work despite their past.
Best Relationship RU

Name = Laura
Vid Title = In the Dark
Site Name = Atomic Dreams
Scorned by Parker, abandoned by Angel, and betrayed by Riley. She swore next time she'd think with her head, but Buffy can't resist when Spike whispers promises of passion in the dark.

Name = Morgan
Vid Title = Luv Luv Luv
Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours
When Giles lectures about love, it's all about sex!
Most Humorous RU

Name = Kit-Kat
Vid Title = The Decadent Duo
Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours
Now and forever, Spike is Drusilla's man.

Name = Wes
Vid Title = Savin' Me
Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadou
Faith descended into darkness and only someone who lives there can walk her back into the light.

Name = wolfpup
Vid Title = Not Dead Yet
Site Name = Wolfpup's Den
Best Editing RU, Best Action, Most Humorous, Best Ensemble RU

Name = Helena
Vid Title = Better Days
Site Name = Immortal Spark
a chosen episodic video about how the gang changed the world in only one night.
 Best Episodic

Name = Alexis Rockford & Cassandra Elise
Vid Title = Thankful
Site Name = Melodies of Life
The Lostaways share a meal and count their blessings.
Name = sophie
Vid Title = Mad Season
Site Name = Bitten
Xander & Anya in season 6 when we saw the best & the worst of them.

Name = Aleisha
Vid Title = Dangerous Type
Site Name = Mystic Convention
This is a look at Max, the dangerous type in the pilot of Dark Angel.

Name = Elion
Vid Title = Our Solemn Hour
Site Name = Crystal Illusions
Will they be redeemed after all that they have been through?

Name = Crystal Marshall
Vid Title = Don't Speak
Site Name = Crystal's Space
Willow's POV about her relationship with Tara.

Name = Aleisha
Vid Title = Patience
Site Name = Mystic Convention
AU, Max is having difficulties moving on after the love of her life Ben passed away. Even though Logan means so much to her, all she needs is time and some patience from him.
Best AU RU, Best Transgenic Award

Name = Faith Mars
Vid Title = Tourniquet
Site Name = Livejournal
 Dean's life is a nightmare he just can't wake from.
 Best Action RU, Best Drama RU, Best Effects RU

Name = Shady
Vid Title = Behind Blue Eyes
Site Name = Shady Designs
Spike character Study. No one understands him.

Name = Kelly
Vid Title = Long Night
Site Name = Kelly's Video Tee Pee!
 More so from Kate's POV. She & Jack break-up, he almost loses his life, and Kate realizes he's important in here life.

Name = mkitty3
Vid Title = Breathe
Pairings: None. Dean focused with a major side of Sam.
Summary: Dean longs for home again. A home only Sam can give him.

Name = Kristian
Vid Title = So Far Away
Site Name = Breathe No More
The way the story goes (in order) is Sam and Tru were together but their jobs drove them apart. After a near death accident in both of their lives, they call each other (this is where the video starts) and try to start new. It's hard, but they work through it and go on a date which leads them to getting back together.
Name = Victoria
Vid Title = Frozen
Site Name = In Sleep he Sang To Me
 Illyria wishes to explore Fred and Wes's relationship farther, but will have to get past Wesley's now frozen heart to do so.
Name = brighette
Vid Title = Changes
 Site Name = Different Sun Vids
 Sam's been going through some changes recently.
Best Angst RU, Best Character RU, Hunter Award

Name = We'reDoomed
Vid Title = "Shattered"
Site Name = HammerPixVideo
 Buffy/Angel tragic love story arc of season 2

Name = Kitty
Vid Title = Let Go
Site Name = WinterEvanesce
 An angsty Connor character study video that shows everything that he feels and thinks about his father, Angel and how he sometimes feels like on the inside.
Best Video , Best Editing, Best Angst, Best Music Use, Best POV, Zeppo Award

Name = Drusilla
Vid Title = Breathe me
Site Name = Drusilla Video Awards
AU VIDEO.-Buffy is the slayer and Spike is her vampire boyfriend. They are in love and they fight together against the demons and the forces of darkness.

Name = Lady Manson
Vid Title = Walk
Site Name = Lady Manson Video Database
A  video showing the changes in Buffy and Faith's relationship over the years.
Name = whereistheluv
Vid Title = Too Little Too Late
Site_URL = http://luv.absolute-vertigo.org
Site Name = Luv's videos
 AU Crossover vid combining Jojo's music vid with Veronica Mars to tell the story of the song.
Best AU, Best Storyteller, Best Relationship RU, Judge's Choice Andrea

Name = SimbiAni
Vid Title = Just To Have You Back Again
Site Name = SongFics iN Motion : Dreamz a'Luv Productions
The Doctor thinks about how he wasn't ready to let Rose Tyler go.

Name = Lsketch42
Vid Title = Are We?
Dean has always told Sam that he can resist the demon...that he won't wind up like the other kids. Deep down, both brothers aren't so sure. Switches between Sam and Dean's POV's. (Judges to assign categories)
Best Ensemble

Name = Rae
Vid Title = Right Place, Wrong Time
Site_URL = http://www.eternaldevotion.com
 Site Name = Eternal Devotion
Not everything can go as planned. Especially if you're name is Dean Winchester.
Best Video RU, Best Music Use RU, Best Character, Most Humorous , Judge's Choice Shona

Name = nikki
Vid Title = wild child
Site Name = I Heart Vidding
a cross between the doors wild child music video and Buffy finding out her ancestors are the indians who made her the slayer.
Best Storyteller RU

Name = Cat
Vid Title = Darkness
Site Name = Catvampcrazines' LJ

Name = Becky_H
Vid Title = Hands to Heaven
Site Name = N/a
Jack/Jack - "God give me strength when I am leaving."
Best Episodic RU

Name = Cordy
Vid Title = Let Me Go
Site Name = Charming Like A God
I want to stay in love with my sorrow, but God... I want to let it go...
Name = Artanis
Vid Title = Lonely Road
 A story about a ghost and his brother. They both have to say 'goodbye'. To live in peace. To rest in peace.


Reviews by Andrea

Best Video  - Let Go by Kitty
Is a fantastic video that traces the dark & seemly impossible father/son relationship. Constantly fighting each other and at odds the Skillful use of black&white with red filter set the mood instantly for this angst filled action packed study of Angel and Connor. A great choice of song - epic, angry & loud - yet with slower passages used to its full potential. A long vid by any standards but not slow and had you gripped from beginning to end. A great deal of thought and work has gone into this project and this clearly shows.
I love the use of zooms and pans that prevents any sense of 'static' and it enhances the movement of the vid. You have used the music to the full, matching internal motion during the fight scenes and I love the 'stuttering' clips at the drum beats like at 0.55 and 1.02. There are some great lyric matches and the use of mirrored action between Angel and Connor was cleverly put to use.
I also liked the series of overlays at 1.57 to 2.00 with the prophecy and the spin was very effective in conveying the sense of chaos. Also the use of stills from 2.35 through to 2.53 intense and powerful like moments frozen in time. The section at 3.20 where you remove the red and the headlights turn into the shine of the city buildings is a lovely transition into a quieter reflective moment which then shatters as the 'red' returns as Connor strikes the wall at 3.28. The final section back to black & white - almost an epilogue to the main event if you like - is heartrending to say the least and finishes perfectly as Angel watches his son leave. An excellent vid that does my favourite show justice and to echo the sentiments of my co -judge - I miss my show.

Best Video RU - Right Place, Wrong Time - Rae
A fun, action packed vid with heart and plenty of soul. Inspired music choice and a pleasant change to have a 'softer' rock song used for Supernatural, it works really well and all the instrumental beats/sounds are married with internal motion and wonderful facial expressions just perfect for all the sticky situations in which Dean & Sam finds themselves .For a very angst filled show the humour is often overlooked in fan vids and this entertainingly captures that aspect and make you smile from beginning to end.


Judge's Choice - Too Little Too Late - whereistheluv
When a vid suits your mood or just hits the right spot then it will stay with you a long time, the song will stay stuck in your head and suddenly a relationship that perhaps you weren't necessarily keen on takes on new dimensions. This is what happened with this vid.
Edited with care and attention to detail that gives it a real professional feel that would not be out of place on MTV (probably better than most things on there but that's another story) the soft glow on the footage and pacing are perfect and you cannot see where the original music vid ends and VM begins. The clip to lyric matches are carefully chosen and the photos in the frame/on the wall are beautifully done and add a nice touch to the story. A delightful vid that won me over this round.

Reviews by Shona

Best Video - Let Go – Kitty
 The music choice and the decision to go monochrome with flashes red help build up the angst throughout the vid. The counterbalancing of action and intense emotion illustrate the sheer drama of this twisted father & son relationship in an awe-inspiring way. A truly heartbreaking look at one of the most complex storylines in the show and a masterful summation. The mirroring of the characters' actions captured in overlays and freeze frames shows a remarkable (and justified) confidence. Wonderful, angsty, heartbreaking. Man I miss this show…

 Best Video RU & Judge's Choice - Right Place, Wrong Time - Rae
The use of internal movement within this vid is something that blows me away every single time I watch it. The clip choices are subtle and yet somehow perfect. I adore how this vid manages to utilise some of the most emotionally intensive clips from the show and yet still manages to keep the grin on my face for the entire thing. Kudos!

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site