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ROUND SIXNominees / Winners ![]() 1Name = Sensue Vid Title = Manmade Monsters Site Name = Prophecy End Dean makes a kill that happens to have a barcode on its neck. Lydecker is not happy about it. Best AU RU Name = Dooski Vid Title = In Your Head Site Name = thedooski An episodic vid to the Berrisford Agenda Name = Victoria Vid Title = Did My Time Site_URL = Site Name = In Sleep He Sang To Me Even the darkest of souls can find redemption, it just takes some time. A Faith character study. Best Action RU, Best Character RU, Zeppo Award RU Name = Aislynn Vid Title = Walking Behind Site Name = ageless_aislynn's LJ A look at Sawyer and Kate's push-and-pull relationship, done in a photo album-style. Best Effects , Oceanic 815 Award Name = Aimee Vid Title = Goodbye Site Name = Aimee's Sanctuary An Angel and Wesley dual character study, exploring the events that bind them and the similar paths they have taken in their lives. Best Video, Best Editing RU, Best Angst, Best Relationship, Zeppo AwardJudge's Choice Andrea, Best Music Use Name = Firefly_Ca Vid Title = The Ultimate Showdown Site Name = Firefly_Ca's Music Videos Based on the flash animation, the island dwellers of the first one and a half seasons of Lost engage in a fight to the death for ultimate island supremacy. Most Humorous RU, Oceanic 815 Award RU Name = Crystal Marshall Vid Title = Dangerous Game Site Name = Crystal's Space Buffy and Spike both are thinking about what their relationship could turn out to be. They care for each other but it's such a dangerous game they're playing. Who will win? Name = Tami Brandt Vid Title = Angel vs. Angelus Site Name = Sunnydale Stories Angel is always fighting his inner demon. PG-15 (Biting, Violence) Name = Noelle V. Vid Title = I'm Not Dead Site Name = Beautiful Lie Productions Dean and Sam fight evil and try to live normal lives Name = mnallison02 Vid Title = It's Been Awhile Site Name = Blow Me Away Videos Dean centric video based on his life, losses, and struggles. Can Dean handle the pressure of being alone?The song is un-edited so there are a few curse words. Best Drama RU, Best Character RU Hunter Award R, Judge's Choice Shona Name = Artanis Vid Title = Turn back time Site = ArtanisG They have strange on and off relationship, and every night they have the same dream Best AU RU Name = Skeezer Beans Vid Title = Requiem For A Supernatural Dream Site Name = Live Journal This is a vid I made in order to get more people to watch Supernatural for season three. I wanted to show the action and special effects and to point out that it really is like watching a horror movie each week. But most important of all, I wanted to show the awesome relationship between the brothers, which is what makes Supernatural so special. The music was easy to pick, "Requiem For A Dream" remix by Clint Mansell. I hope you like it and I hope it gets more people to watch my favorite show. Best Ensemble RU Name = Elion Vid Title = Forgiven Site Name = Crystal Illusions Can they be forgiven after all that has happened? Special Award of Merit Name = Buanann Vid Title = Here We Are Site Name = Endless Questions An episodic of 'Barrisford Agenda' Transgenic Award RU Name = sophie Vid Title = For Blue Skies Site Name = Bitten Kate and Jack are married but are having some problems, after they crash on the island and are kidnapped by the others Kate has an affair with Sawyer. After they escape from the others they deal with Kate's betrayal and have to decide if they're relationship is something worth saving Name = Chad Vid Title = Runaway Site Name = Bring on the Night An episodic vid of The Becoming 1 and 2, and Anne. It shows Buffy's emotional breakdown at the end of Season 2 and how it forces her to leave town and start over in Los Angeles. Best Episodic RU Name = Ringwench Vid Title = Fell On Black Days Site Name = Villainous Imagination Sam's struggles with his powers, his destiny, and the Yellow Eyed Demon throughout season 2. Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Character , Hunter Award, Best Angst RU Name = wolfpup Vid Title = Never Meant To Fail Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids Heroes aren't meant to fail, but their stories are often filled with tragedy. Best Storyteller, Judge's Choice Andrea Name = Abigail Marissa Vid Title = The Hardest Thing Site Name = Back in Black Girl The Doctor has spent his life looking for the right one and he may have found her in Rose. Name = Jo Vid Title = Supernatural Menace Site Name = [- -static f33d- -] Supernatural/Star Wars Crossover Best Effects RU, Most Humorous, Best AU, Judge's Choice Shona Name = Aruna7 Vid Title = Season 3 trailer Site Name = Beyond Hope - Aruna7 This vid is a trailer for a virtual Dark Angel season 3. Name = JJSNgadgetDMF Vid Title = One of Us is Gonna Die Young Site Name = Music Videos and More Artist: The Ark -Pairing: Ninth/Rose. A shippy video about all of their close calls with death. Also has a couple of Jack clips. Name = Snoopnatural Vid Title = Leave out all the Rest Site Name = Snoopnatural This is a VID about Samīs Death and sort of a memoriam. Name = hay1ock Vid Title = When My Time Comes Site Name = Something Wicked (LJ) A look at Sam and Dean's relationship in light of the S2 finale from Sam's PoV. Name = nikki Vid Title = The Kill Site Name = I Heart Vidding Buffy is trying to deal with coming back from the dead knowing she was in heaven. Best POV RU, Zeppo Award RU Name = brighette Vid Title = Scared Site Name = Different Sun Vids Who will protect the innocent from the evil out there? Best Action, Best Music Use RU, Hunter Award RU Name = Kamyar Vid Title = Sorry Site Name = Future Shokk! A closer Look at the complicated relationship between Logan and Veronica over the course of Season 3. Special Award of Merit Name = Kit-Kat Vid Title = I Miss You Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours Xander catches Drusilla's eye, but how long can this fatal attraction last? Special Award of Merit Name = Wes Vid Title = Land of Confusion Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours Over and over again, Buffy and Angel go into battle for this land of confusion. Name = Morgan Vid Title = The Ghost In You Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours Cordelia's dream apartment comes with a view to die for. Name = Shoopdancer Vid Title = Opticon Special Award of Merit Name = Hayley Vid Title = That kind of love Site Name = Buffy vid's Gunn from angel series sleeps with katrina (Warren's girl) when warren(from buffy) finds out he kills them both. Name = Maurauder Vid Title = Buffy Season Five Site Name = Illyria Opening Credits Buffy S5 Action Vid. Name = Sammy Vid Title = Memories Site Name = Inside The TARDIS Best Effects, Editing Honorable Mention, Best Relationship RU, Best Storyteller RU, TARDIS Award Name = Ar-Feiniel Vid Title = Living Bad Girl Style Site Name = Neurotic Miss Brightside She parties hard. She drinks way too much. She flirts with guys and girls and has casual relationships with them. She often skips school. She doesn't get along with her mother. She can be nasty to her friends. She regulary gets into trouble. She does whatever she wants, damn the consequences! Meet Buffy Summers, living her life - bad girl style. Honorable Mention Name = Talula Vid Title = Fragile Things Site Name = Ribbons Undone A look at Booth and the Jeffersonian crew as they work for justice. Best Ensemble, Other Fandom Award RU Name = Nicole Vid Title = It Feels Like Tonight Site Name = Nicole's Creative Musings Max/Logan shipper vid. Max POV. She wants Logan to forgive her for lying to him about dating Alec. Transgenic Award Name = Kelly Vid Title = Ghostbusters! Site Name = Kelly's Video Tee Pee! A bit of thrills, adventure & romance.. Name = Lsketch42 Vid Title = For You Site Name = Lsketch42's Supernatural Video Vault Dean would do anything to save Sam.Even make a deal with the devil. Best POV Name = Tracie Vid Title = Yours to Hold Booth's finally come to the realization that he wants more out out of his relationship with Brennan, now he just waiting for her to realize it too. Music: "Yours to Hold" by Skillet Name = Kitty Vid Title = Who Do You Hurt Now? Site Name = WinterEvanesce Episodic music video to "Heart" that focuses on Madison's struggle as a werewolf and her strong attraction with Sam, which will end up having Sam to kill off the person that he finally was beginning to really like after the loss of Jessica. Editing Honorable Mention, Best Episodic Name = IrishTwilight and Selena Vid Title = Supernatural: Collide Site Name = YouTube Channel A fast-paced vid focussing on Sam and Dean's brotherly relationship, specifically their arguements and regret over times they've hurt each other. The song is Collide by Dishwalla. Name = phoenix Vid Title = Here Without You Site Name = Phoenix's Fandoms Rose meant a lot to Ten, exactly how much? We learn at the end of Doomsday. TARDIS Award RU Name = whereistheluv Vid Title = The End Site_URL = Site Name = Luv's videos The aftermath of the bus crash. A season 2 overview. Best Drama, Other Fandom Award Name = Tulzdavampslayer Vid Title = Invincible Site Name = Tulzdavampslaya's Livejournal An episodic view of the Torchwood finale "End of Days" to Pat Benetar's "Invincible".When trying to stop the world from ending, it helps if you're a little invincible. REVIEWSWe were so impressed with the entries in this round that we have also given brief reviews to the main category winners in addition to our Choices, Best Video & Video RU. ETA : Looks like we will be reviewing Category RU's too - I have grouped the reviews together with the judge's name after each one - more added 08.07.07 - The rest will follow soon.Goodbye by Aimee - Best Video, Music Use, Relationship, Angst, Judge's Choice The muted filter sets the mood for this complex relationship study between Angel and Wesley which draws our attention to so many parallels in these characters paths. Some that until now had never occurred to me and I know this show well. You choose your cuts wisely on the snare drum beat but not every one so that it becomes monotonous, really using all the internal motion to reflect the musicality and singer's voice and nice work with zooms and pans. You have some super overlays throughout, the prophecy as Wes sits at the desk , and at 0.59 as Wes cuts himself then the Mo'ping breaking as Angelus lies in the cage at 2.00. The clip to lyric matches are clever too, I love the section that starts with 'Feeling alive....' and 'sick and twisted...' with Justine locked in the cupboard. The final section just as Angel signs away the Shanshu cleverly reprises all that has been between them and the ending is perfectly timed to the guitar flourish. Excellent work Aimee, you have managed to convey so much in quite a short vid without loosing any coherence and flow. Eminently rewatchable and on the favourites. Fantastic. - Andrea Oh, the angst. Oh the parallels! I miss this show and vids like this only underscore just how much I miss this show. Brilliant use of clips to show the sheer magnitude and complexity of the relationship between these two – and the similarities… *shivers* Kudos. You made me miss this show. - Shona Fell on Black Days by Ringwench - Best Video RU, Editing, Character, Judge's Choice Subtle and instinctive editing make this vid special as a Sam study, capturing momentous events at the end of season 2 and reflects the development of the character well. A great song choice in terms of apt lyrics, suiting the mood of the piece but which has quite a challenging and an interesting structure. You use the changes in tempo and the instrumental bridge to full effect. Lovely moments of internal motion at 1.09 with the coffee spray to the cymbal crash, pulling back the curtains at 2.04 and the angel statue shaking at 3.03. I love the use of fade to black and black masks from 2.36 through to 2.44 it works really well. The ending with 'I sure don't mind the change' is chilling right down to that tiny flash of yellow in Sam's eyes. A great vid that really grows on you on every rewatch. Another classic from you Ringwench. - Andrea Brilliant character study and wonderful matching of clips to the song – not just with lyrical matching, but with the melody as well. 3.07 stands out in particular and sends shivers up my spine every time I watch it. This is a masterful vid that illustrates a complete understanding of the source material and techniques to tell a breathtaking story. - Shona Never Meant to Fail by Wolfpup - Best Storyteller and Judge's Choice I felt this vid really captured the sense of struggle for the brothers throughout the series and it hits a very emotional cord with me. You choose some lovely clip lyric matches that are heartbreaking, especially to 'it's not meant to be this lonely' as Sam lies on the bed ' and we all must let go' and 'I lost all my virtues long ago'. Whilst it depicts some intense scenes it also has a quiet reflective feel which matches the mood of the song and flows well. I enjoyed this very much and felt it did justice to the series. Well done again. Andrea Another wonderful vid from wolfpup! great matching of clips to lyrical content and overall a beautifully realised vid. - Shona The End - Whereistheluv - Best Drama, Best Other Fandom You set the scene with such a gentle melancholic song which seems to be the perfect contrast to the violence in the clips you have chosen . It fits the tone of this very understated but sad, dramatic vid, and you draw interesting parallels between the first two Seasons in Veronica Mars. The edits are perfectly placed, I love how you switch back and forth, reflecting on what brought the characters to that point. Also great use of fade out to black for further dramatic effect, and the final piano note as Cassidy drops from the roof has great impact and it gave me chills. - Andrea A particularly brave choice of music for the tone of this video and wonderfully pulled off. Fantastic use of 'nostalgia' colouring here and overall a great flow. - Shona Walking Behind by Aislynn - Best Effects (joint winner) A very cute Shipper vid for Kate & Sawyer which uses special effects consistently to tell their story - I love how you used either stills or moving footage to show action and reaction, switching from his and her view paced nicely with the beat and the lyrics - and it worked very well for this vid structured as a picture book. Great choice of song that was just upbeat enough and a really sweet ending. A great Lost vid. Andrea Another vid making wonderful use of effects to tell the tale – without ever being overwhelming. - Shona Supernatural Menace by Jo - Best Alternate Universe, Most Humorous, and a Judge's choice I have a soft spot for Comedy vids but they aren't easy to find but OMG fandoms collide in this really funny, brilliantly edited trailer with Obi Dean Kenobi and some excellent light sabre effects. Every sound and audio clip matched perfectly with some inspired 'casting' of the Star Wars roles. The opening sequence as metallicar crashes through the gates just gets me every time. I want to see this movie! - Andrea Oh this makes me laugh every single time I watch it! (which is quite a lot!) Genius, genius stuff! Shona Memories by Sammy - Best Effects A sweet and romantic Rose & Ten shipper vid edited with great flair and excellent use of special effects that compliment the idea perfectly without ever distracting from the storytelling. I particularly like the stills that become photos with the lyrics written and the final sequence with the 'first Christmas' and so on. A simple, delightful vid that has feel good vibes coming off it in waves, with a little bitter sweet thrown in for good measure. Nice audio finish too. Lovely, you can't help but smile when watching this. -Andrea The clip choices and timings in this vid are fantastic, but it's the use of effects which really make it stand out – interesting that we had two similar vids from different vidders (and fandoms) using the photo-album theme. . - Shona Fragile Things by Talula - Best Ensemble An excellent ensemble vid for Bones, true to the show, both the victims and the Bones team are fragile things. It was an inspired song choice and I liked the on beat cutting, and the sections of shaky black and white flashbacks were very effective with some lovely intepretation of the lyrics. Clever use of the montage of skulls at the beginning into the holographic scene on the opening chord and quick cuts of the squint squad working lab, you also manage to explore the relationships between the all the characters without focusing excessively on Booth & Bones. Great work Talula. -Andrea Great timings throughout this vid combined with the music choice help to fit a huge amount of narrative into a relatively short vid. - Shona Who Do You Hurt Now By Kitty - Best Episodic A good example of a great episodic Vid, interestingly structured but not rigidly linear in it's story and very well edited to hold your attention. I love the soft blur filter and desaturated look you applied to the footage, it kind of adds a dreamlike/nightmarish mood to the whole vid. I can see why you chose the song as the lyrics work very well with your clip selection and you make good use the instrumental bridge at 1.34 for the sensual scenes between Sam and Madison. The ending is perfect with the off screen gun shot and the credits are a nice touch. Andrea This vid has a wonderful sense of movement throughout, it flows wonderfully and the effects are never overused. One slight nitpick I have with it is that it is a teeny bit predictable in some of the cutting but I can't help feeling it is the lack of progression within the song that is the cause, rather than any fault of the vidders. Great stuff! - Shona For You - Lsketch42 - Best POV An interesting study of Dean's pov and his fight to keep his brother safe and how their lives have changed. I like the song and the lyrics are well matched throughout. You have some good moments of internal movement to the vocals and music like the stab at 0.25 the window smash at 1.17. Nice use of pans and zooms keep the vid flowing during the head shots and you really build the emotion well right to the final scene which seems like the perfect place to end. A Very touching piece of vidding. Andrea Great character study with a particularly inspired choice of music. I absolutely adore the effect used at 1.10 – it adds so much depth to the clip choice here. Shona Scared by Brighette - Best Action Now I'm not very good with scary stuff - I have chosen not to watch SPN on my own, past midnight because I found it at times genuinely scary - Yeah ok I'm a wimp and used to watch Dr Who from behind the sofa when I was a kid. But this vid really captures that aspect of the show, nasty things that grab you through grills, tear you to shreds and stare back from mirrors. Your introduction sets the scene and the time toggling on the clips conveys a sense of panic to suit the frantic music. I love the blackouts to the musical pauses and there are some entertaining moments of action like the gunshot 0.40 and Dean hitting the wall at 1.33 and there's more. A great action vid with blood and knives and things that go bump, even if you watch it through your fingers. - Andrea High-octane, fast paced and fantastic clip choices. The timings in this vid are awesome – the matching of the gunshot at 0:40/41 is breathtaking. - Shona Did My Time by Victoria Action RU, Char RU, Joint Zeppo RU Excellent, action packed Faith character study - fantastic song choice with really great lyrics to work with which have used to their fullest . You have used every beat to highlight the violence within Faith and how the anger really has changed her. I love the section from around 3.00 and then there is a fast run of edits from around 3.20 to 3.30 which are awesome and convey a sense of chaos. Great work Victoria - Andrea Great character study of one of my personal favourite characters… *g* The timings and pacing of this vid are spot on and the narrative flow (which Andrea knows is a big deal to me!) is perfect. Shona It's Been a While By Mnallison02 Judge's Choice, Drama RU How to get Shona on side straight away – take a song that is deeply personal to her and make a fantastic vid using it. The audio overlays are wonderfully placed – particularly the matching of John's statement with the lyrics (it would have been easy to match the "Did the best I could" with the lyrics, but by including more you make it far richer – more resonant). I have been watching this vid on a loop for about a week now and each time I watch it I find something new about it to love. Thank you. Shona An emotional vid dealing with Dean & Sams struggle, perfect choice of song and nice audio introduction to set the scene, and then again throughout the vid adding to the impact of the lyrics. A very dramatic and angst ridden vid that reflects a major aspect of the show perfectly. Andrea Turn Back Time by Artanis - AU RU A unique AU vid - you use footage well to tell this imaginative tale. Nice to see the Halloween clips in conjunction with the William flashbacks and I particularly like the secion from 2.38 through to 3.00 with the intercutting between old & modern. Good work. Andrea Interesting clip choices to tell a unique story. Good matching of music to clips, and great use of light. Shona Manmade Monsters by Sensue - AU RU Clever use of cross fandom footage really works well in this imaginative AU story. The music you chose adds to the suspense in your vid and it was very entertaining. Good work Andrea Wonderful meshing of multiple fandoms – the matching of clips is wonderfully done, Dean comforting the kid, Lydekker talking to Sam on the phone – great work! Shona The Kill by Nikki - POV RU Zeppo Joint RU I love the use of colour filters on this vid to enhance the mood. A well structured and interesting insight into Buffy and her struggle in Season6. You managed to avoid using too many well known clips so there is a fresh feel to this study. The flashes of bright colours work really well too. I love the section from 1.40 to 1.50 you have some great fast edits. And also the section from 2.20 to 2.40 builds the anguish and you get a sense of how lost Buffy feels. A good Buffy vid. Andrea Nice use of clip/lyrical matching. Wonderful progressions and the colouring of this vid works really well with the dis-associative ambiance – the flashes of vivid colouring (1:28 for example) underscore this beautifully. Shona Runaway by Chad - Episodic RU Lovely use of intense colour and some solid editing make this a nice vid to watch. There are some great moments that play on your emotions like at 0.49 when Joyce breaks down at 'notice that I'm gone' and I love the section which starts at around 1.17 with Buffy recalling all the moments that led to her leaving. An enjoyable vidlet Chad, nice work. Andrea Hugely accomplished vid with wonderful clip choices and use of effects and colouring. - Shona Ultimate Showdown by Firefly_ca - Humorous RU, Oceanic 815 RU I'd not heard this song before and my goodness what a very funny vid you have made with it. I liked the use of the stills on the beats at the beginning and extremely clever casting of the characters. I must confess I particularly like the Indiana Jones , Black Knight & Jackie Chan, but it was the Chuck Norris part that gave me the real big LMAO moment. A must see for all Lost Fans - A real gem and I am so glad that you submitted this. Andrea Hugely funny vid with disturbingly apt matchings of characters! Kudos! Shona Requiem For a Supernatural Dream by Skeezer Beans - Ensemble RU A perfect trailer to encourage people to come to this show in the third season - great clip choices and audio overlays which all combine to drive home the feel of the show perfectly. Kudos! - Shona An intense and compelling Series Overview recruiter vid that should do very well to bring new viewers to the show for it's 3rd Season and also give them a tantalising glimpse of all the drama from the first two. You chose the audio clips with care and paced the action to the changes in the music with great effect. Well done, this makes a great impact and made me want to re watch the series. Andrea |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards