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ROUND EIGHTNominees / Winners
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. yokiem
Vid Title = Holding out for a Hero Site Name = The Pool Room 2.Tami Brandt Vid Title = Angel the Series 1999-2004 Site Name = Sunnydale Stories 3. Firefly_Ca Vid Title = I Wanna Hold Your Hand Site Name = Fanvideos by Firefly_Ca 4. Lady_m4ryjane Vid Title = Suicide Site Name = Lady_m4ryjane's Music Video Database Best Character RU, Best Effects 5. nicole Vid Title = She is everything Site Name = Nicole's Creative Musings 6. mnallison02 Vid Title = Coming Undone Site Name = Blow Me Away Videos 7. Starrylizard Vid Title = The Heist Site Name = The Fridge Door Best AU RU, Most Humorous RU 8. Becca84 Vid Title = C'mon, C'mon Site Name = Snarky-Dreams Most Humorous, Best Episodic, Judge's Choice 9. Crystal Marshall Vid Title = Shadow Site Name = Crystal's Space 10. Dagana Vid Title = Beautiful Disaster Site Name = Eternal Dagana 11. whereistheluv Vid Title = Push Site Name = Luv's Videos Best Editing Honorable Mention, Best Character , Best Narrative 12. Aruna7 Vid Title = In Hope Site Name = Beyond Hope - Aruna7 13. Tulzdavampslayer Vid Title = Counting Bodies Like Sheep Site Name = Tulzdavampslaya's Livejournal 14 Xcully Vid Title = Welcome to my truth Site Name = Xcully's page 15. wolfpup Vid Title = Get Out Alive Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids Best Action RU 16.brighette Vid Title = No Fear Site Name = Different Sun Vids Best Ensemble RU 17. Morgan Vid Title = I Wanted You To Know Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours 18. Wes Vid Title = Wait Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours 19. KitKat Vid Title = The Cheerleader Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours 20. Skeezerbeans Vid Title = Winchester Requiem* Remastered Version Site Name = Skeezerbeans' Journal 21. Nibikko Vid Title = Ladies & Gentlemen Site Name = Briefings & Technobabble Special Award of Merit 22.Thandie Vid Title = Lepcis Magna Site Name = My Poetry In Motion Best Action, Best Overview RU 23. Mazza Vid Title = There are Worse things I could do - For Faith Site Name = Buffy and Angel Music Videos 24. Lady Manson Vid Title = The Lazarus Heart Site Name = Lady Manson Video Database Special Award of Merit 25. Dooski Vid Title = Eye Site Name = Complicated Love 26.bradcpu Vid Title = Goodnight Moon Best Video, Best Editing RU, Best Music Use, Best Drama RU, Best Overview, Best Ensemble 27.KJ@Svala Vid Title = Hell's Patient Fury Site Name = KJ@Svala's videos Best Episodic RU 28. JJSNgadgetDMF Vid Title = Mr. Jones and Me Site Name = Music Videos and More 29.Kitty Vid Title = The 6 Between Us Site Name = WinterEvanesce Best Drama RU, Best Relationship, 30. Misty Vid Title = Hand Me Down Site Name = Random Midnights Special Award of Merit 31. divine_chick Vid Title = Apologize Site Name = Divine Awards 31. meivocis Vid Title = The Noose Best Video RU, Best Editing, Best Drama, Best Character, Best Narrative RU, Best Music Use RU 32. sue hession Vid Title = It takes two Site Name = goldenjirl 33. Chad Vid Title = Judas Site Name = Bring on the Night 34. danegen Vid Title = Ruiner Site Name = Useless Talent #46 Special Award of Merit 35.Cordy & Buffybot Vid Title = Heal Me Site Name = Charming Like A God 36.ViDawn Vid Title = Broken Site Name = ViDawn's Video Productions 37 Lsketch42 Vid Title = Shattered (Demon Version) Site Name = Lsketch42's Supernatural Video Vault 38. absrip Vid Title = Holding On 39. Trey Vid Title = Station Galactica Site Name = Treys Livejournal 40. Aislynn Vid Title = Almost Lover Site Name = ageless_aislynn's LJ Best Relationship RU 41. AlcoholicPixie Vid Title = Ritual Habitual Site Name = Supernatural Video Station Best AU, Best Effects RU REVIEWSReviews by AndreaBest Video (Editing RU, Drama RU, Overview, Ensemble, Music Use) - Goodnight Moon - By Bradcpu As I've said before, this is the Halloween tale of 'Heroes Happy Families' - Brad style! Such a spine tingling mood piece that is to date the best Heroes vid I have seen, you manage to combine so many character's story and weave it into a successful ensemble piece. A creepy atmospheric vid with a suitably spooky song showing us all the dysfunctional family (adopted or natural) relationships in the show, you use some fantastic parallels - DL raising finger to say 'shh' mirrors that by Jessica, Nicky/Sylar sliding down the door, Nathan & Sylar's Mothers touching (eep!) their sons faces - and the transitions are a pure delight. The section from 1.05 'Good Night Moon' through to 1.25 gives me chills, the haitian's hand coming up to stifle this viewers whimper. And the unease and overwhelming 'creeps' increases with the whispered lyrics at 2.54 to 3.09 and and you move into Nathan/Sylar's stories - I adore the frozen clip of Sylar's Mother at 4.00 and the ending is a master(key)stroke. This vid feels very instinctive and flows (like the blood!) all the way through, building on that undermining sense of unease and creepiness and ends with a huge shudder! (In a good way) Excellent!! Best Video RU (Editing, Drama, Character, Music Use RU Narrative RU) - The Noose by Meivocis. Atmospheric music sets the mood as dreamlike we fly over the city ,intercut with Peter falling slowly from the building also as in a dream. That mood shifts with the introduction Peters visions/growing awareness of 'future' and you build a sense of disorientation with the odd jumpcuts and hard edits that work so well but probably defy my explanation. The section from around 1.10 - confrontation with Sylar to the opening window scene 1.21 is very compelling as is the city scene from 1.52 to 2.20 which has a nightmarish feel. The final section picks up the pace with a nicely timed explosion at around 3.33 and faster cuts building to the climax and superb ending scene, this is an expertly edited and enthralling mood piece that is a must for all fans of Heroes. Great job. Judges Choice (Most Humorous, Episodic)- C'mon C'mon by Becca84 You set the scene instantly with the fast cuts at the drum snares and excellent credit sequence and we're off! Such a wonderful song for the show, You used all aspects of the music to the fullest with great use of internal motion with clips that keep pace with the tempo, all adding to that sense of humour, action and excitement. It felt as if you had really captured the pilot episode perfectly and couldn't help but smile all the way through. I loved the use of all the facial expressions and how you intercut computer stealing ninja scene. Such a fun, well edited video that was a pure joy to watch every time. As the Captain would say - "Awesome" ;) |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards