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ROUND NINENominees / Winners
![]() ![]() ![]() 1.Name = Trey
Vid Title = Working Class Hero Site Name = My LJ Special Award of Merit 2.Name = Xcully Vid Title = Rule the world Site Name = Xcully's page 3.Name = wolfpup Vid Title = All The Arms Around You Site Name = Wolfpup's Songvids 4.Name = Lil Vid Title = Hush Site Name = My LiveJournal 5.Name = Cordy & PiperKate Vid Title = The Lovers Club Site Name = Charming Like A God 6.Name = Anna Vid Title = The field where I died Site Name = Kief & Liz Best Episodic RU 7.Name = Maria Vid Title = Rainy day Site Name = Simply Elisabeth 8. Name = obsessive24 Vid Title = New Dawn Fades Site Name = Best Video, Best Editing,Best Music Use RU, Best Overview, Best POV RU 9.Name = Little Heaven Vid Title = What If I Came Knocking? Site Name = Little Heaven Best Relationship 10. Name = Rae Vid Title = Hold On Site Name = Eternal Devotion Best Action RU, 11. Name = Aleisha Vid Title = Policy of Truth Site Name = Mystic Convention Special Award of Merit 12. Name = Shana Vid Title = Do I Creep You Out? Site Name = Baka no Miko Studios 13.Name = Thandie Vid Title = Mad About You Site Name = My poetry in motion Best AU RU 14.Name = brighette Vid Title = Revelations Site Name = Different Sun Vids Best relationship RU, Best AU, Best Narrative, Judge's Choice Shona 15. Name = Firefly_Ca Vid Title = California Site Name = Fanvideos by Firefly_Ca Special Award of Merit 16.Name = Tami Brandt Vid Title = Christmas @ Wolfram & Hart Site Name = Sunnydale Stories Most Humorous RU 17.Name = lady_m4ryjane Vid Title = Take Me Out Site Name = Lady_m4ryjane's Music Video Database 18.Name = rhoboat Vid Title = All I Found Was You Site Name = Swirly Things on Special Award of Merit 19.Name = Nikki Vid Title = Chosen Site Name = Mouth of Madness Best Episodic 20.Name = Pat C. Vid Title = Heroes, All Over The World Tonight 21. Name = tweety Vid Title = 1234 22.Name = divine_chick Vid Title = Bleeding Love Site Name = Divine Awards 23.Name = Lady Manson Vid Title = Cowboys from Hell Site Name = Lady Manson Video Database Best Overview RU, Best Ensemble RU, Best Effects RU 24.Name = Lissie Vid Title = Fix You Site Name = Alchemic Dreams 25.Name = Tulzdavampslayer Vid Title = Blackest Eyes Best Ensemble 26.Name = dragonchic Vid Title = Break Site Name = Modern Mythology Best Drama, Best Character, Judge's Choice Andrea 27.Name = kuwdora Vid Title = Grace Cathedral Hill Site Name = pixielicious vids 28.Name = Dea Brynhild Ensomhet Spikess Vid Title = Albuquerque Site Name = Greenhaired Goddess 29.Name = Skeezerbeans Vid Title = Mortifera Site Name = Visual Dreamtime 30.Name = Wes Vid Title = Sidewinder Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours 31.Name = KitKat Vid Title = House Rock Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours 33.Name = Morgan Vid Title = Is Forever Enough? Site Name = Fang Fans Twilight Troubadours Judges Choice Andrea 33.Name = Crystal Marshall Vid Title = Miss You Site Name = Crystal's Space 34.Name = kiki_miserychic Vid Title = the girl or the weapon? Best Video RU, Best Editing RU, Best Drama RU Best Music Use, Best Character , Best Effects, Judge's Choice Shona 35.Name = Lsketch42 Vid Title = I Want My Life Site Name = Lsketch42's Supernatural Video Vault Best Drama, Best Charcter RU, Best Narrative RU, Best Effects RU, Best POV , Judges Choice Shona 36.Name = Mazza Vid Title = In the Ghetto - For Connor Site Name = Buffy and Angel Music Videos 37.Name = ViDawn Vid Title = Pompeii Site Name = ViDawn's Video Productions Best Action 38.Name = Artanis Vid Title = Cure my tragedy Site Name = Artanis' Diary Best AU RU 39.Name = sue Vid Title = The Sharpest Lives Site Name = Beyond Atlantis 40.Name = Kiska Vid Title = Breathe in Breathe out Site Name = LJ 41.Name = sophie Vid Title = 4ever Site Name = Bitten 42.Name = Kendall_C Vid Title = All the magic 43.Name = Nibikko Vid Title = Girlfriend Site Name = Briefings & Technobabble Most Humorous 44.Name = LadyMajaVader Vid Title = Torchwood Delight Site Name = My LJ 45. Name = Kaycee Vid Title = Breathe Site Name = Indifferent Obsession Special Award of Merit REVIEWSReviews by AndreaBest Video (Best Editing, Best Music Use RU, Best Overview, POV RU) -ew Dawn Fades - Obsessive24 A truly sombre and telling overview of Doctor Who the show, character study of the Doctor and essentially what it means to be a Time Lord. Faced with monumental decisions of life and death, the ever present spectre of loneliness, destined always to be left by his companions. I love the comparisons you make between the lives of Smith and Ten & their choices. And also your use of the images of time and space, as the TARDIS travels so far, for so long through the universe. Great use of internal motion and music throughout and a visual delight which reveals more meaning on each viewing. This is something special indeed and, like the Doctor hopes for something else you've certainly delivered it here. Best Video RU (Best Music Use, Best Character, Best Editing RU, Best Drama RU, Best Effects)- The Girl or The Weapon - Kiki_Miserychic A fascinating and, as we have come to expect from you, innovative, unique study of River and her surreal world. I love your use of the music and how you mirror the mood that it evokes, the gentle piano notes commencing at around 0.12 up to the dance scene, a slowing of pace then the darkening at 0.56 is particularly striking, and then it shifts into the world of Torture and pain. Repeating this pattern as you ebb back and forth from the girl to the weapon. The use of colour saturation and the overlays are very effective and this just has you transfixed from beginning to end. Excellent vid. Judge's Choices - Andrea -Break - Dragonchic An excellent vidlet that is just packed with action, drama and emotion - focusing on Lee Adama, you managed to portray his frustrations and anger, the destructive relationship with Kara and his struggle to move from soldier to man of law seeking justice. As always your action sequences are well chosen and tightly edited with superb use of movement and intercutting in between scenes. I just would have loved more, but what we did get made a great impact. Fantastic and a favourite BSG vid from now on. Forever enough? - Morgan Such a romantic song that really worked well with your happy ending AU, especially as 'Forever' is Buffy's response to Angel in the episode of the same name. Nice use of clips to build the story (including Giles in a tux) and some sweet clip/lyric matches that made the fan girl in me squee a little. This vid has a gentle pace and feel good vibe about it - I'm not big with shipping vids usually, but I thoroughly enjoyed this AU of my favourite slayerverse couple. Pure romance. |
of Vidding - Fanvids edited by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)
Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards