 Lyrics and Awards - Flames - Angel The Series 


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Flames by Vast

Close your eyes
Let me touch you now
Let me give you something that is real
Close the door
Leave your fears behind
Let me give you what you’re giving me
You are the only thing
That makes me want to live at all
When I am with you
There’s no reason to pretend
That When I am with you
I feel flames again
Just put me inside you
I would never ever leave
Just put me inside you
I would never ever leave you




Buttmonkey  Awards
This was a perfect song choice for Darla and Angelus.  It had such a haunting sound to it.  I thought your clip choices matched the tone of the song as well as the lyrics really well.  I thought the use of crossfades added dream like quality to it as well.  Very nicely done!

BBM Awards (review only)

Cec: I like the black and white beginning! The song really went so well for Darla and Angel! I liked how you focused primarliy on their relationship from flashbacks! Very cool!
Kaycee: I love Angel/Darla and I thought this was such a great video about their relationship. The song was very fitting for them! Great use of the variety of scenes!

5x5 Awards
This song was hauntingly great for these two. Nice editing as well. It was great to see how Darla was turned, and then her turning Angel, etc. Great video!

Awards: 15

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site