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It's time to laugh, it's time to cry
It's time to be what you need to be
It won't be long 'till they are gone
And we can be what we want to be
I'm gonna run from everything
Everything that holds me down
Nothing to win, nothing to lose

You can't tell me what to do anymore
You can't tell me what to do anymore
Now I'm free, now I'm free, now I'm free

I'm gonna run, I'm gonna win
I'm gonna do what I need to do
'cause it's time to be what I need to be
It's time to be what I need to be

You can't tell me what to do anymore
You can't tell me what to do anymore
Now I'm free, now I'm free, now I'm free

I want to hold air in my hand
Own the one thing you can't buy
Nothing to win, nothing to lose
It's time to be what I need to be
I'm gonna run from everything
Everything that holds me down
Nothing to win, nothing to lose
It's time to be what I need to be

You can't tell me what to do anymore
You can't tell me what to do anymore
You can't tell me what to do anymore
Now I'm free, now I'm free, now I'm free




BBM Awards
Cec: This video is seriously badass. There is just no other word for it! I love all the mayhem and misbehavior. The black and white is great. Excellent lyric matches and spectacular use of the beats! I love all the zooming and panning effects. Awesome overlays too!
Kaycee: Awesome Angelus video! The song was perfect for him! I liked the blood marks on the video, too. The desaturation looked nice, and the pace was nice and quick. Your editing was great in this video. So much action and defiance...I loved it!

Chosen One Awards
Another great video. The timing of each clip along with the music was impeccable. The choice of clips perfect and the sequence all made this a pleasure to watch. I loved the effects you put in. I know it can be easy to get carried away with effects and transitions but I think you applied just enough to make it somewhat different without taking anything away from the storyline.

Vampire Theme Chosen awards
 I loved Angelus and this was the perfect characterization of him. The song choice was excellent, just upbeat enough and primarily lyric driven. The scenes you used were amazing and I thought a nice touch I haven’t seen in any video was the two shots of Willow re-ensouling Angelus.


Sexiest Vid RU

Best Words of Song
Best Character

Sexiest Angelus Award
Best Song Use RU

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site