 Lyrics and Awards -Brick By Brick - Buffy The Vampire Slayer 


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Crossover Fan Vids

'The Tower That Ate People - Song by Peter Gabriel.
There's a bump in the basement
There's a knocking on the wall
In the pumping of the pistons
I swear I heard you call

There's a bump in the basement
There's a hole in the floor
There's a guard in the garden
Locking up the door

There's a rumble in the floorboards
No shutting out the sound
And the workers down below me
Digging underground

Feel the building all around me
Like a wrap of armoured skin
But the more we are protected
The more we're trapped within

Tell it like it is
Till there's no misunderstanding
When you strip it right back
Man feed machine
Machine feed man

Tell it like it is (And on this land, we cast our fortune)
Till there's no misunderstanding (And on this ground, we make our home)
You make up what you like
Man feed machine
Machine feed man

Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building
Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building
Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building
Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building
Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building
Brick by brick by brick by brick we're building


BBM Awards

Cec: Ridiculously amazing editing and effects!! I'm just glued to my chair right now!! Kick some more ass, why don't ya?! I just love watching each new video you make and seeing how you get better and better no matter how many times I think "you just can't beat that one." And it's wonderful to see a good old fashioned Buffy vid! I love the bright transitions and the way you used paralell kinds of scenes (like the part where Cassie touches Buffy's face and the African guy touches Buffy's face.) Very cool! I'm amazed. Amazed!
Kaycee: Excellent job! You found clips to go with all the lyrics: very impressive. The colors and blurred transitions looked great. The ending with all the long transitions and overlays was awesome!

Awards: 43

Best Effects RU
Best Overview RU
Best Edit RU

Best Editing RU
Best Action RU
Best Song Use RU

Best Action RU

Best Action
Best Drama RU
Best Editing RU

Best Angst
Best Action

Best Action RU

Best Ensemble

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site