 Lyrics and Awards - Monster, Monster - Buffy The Vampire Slayer 


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Music - 'In The Hall of the Mountain King' from Peer Gynt by Grieg.

Written for the 6th Scene in Act II of Ibsen's play - this piece is from Peer Gynt Suite No1
"There is a great crowd of troll courtiers, gnomes  and goblins. The Old Man sits on his throne, with crown and sceptre, surrounded by his children and relatives. Peer Gynt stands before him. There is a tremendous uproar in the hall." The lines sung are the first lines in the scene


    Slay him! The Christian's son has bewitched
    The Mountain King's fairest daughter!
    Slay him!
    Slay him!

    May I hack him on the fingers?
    May I tug him by the hair?
    Hu, hey, let me bite him in the haunches!
    Shall he be boiled into broth and bree to me
    Shall he roast on a spit or be browned in a stewpan?

    Ice to your blood, friends!

 So it kind of fits with the Slayer theme :)


 BBM Awards

Cec: Great use of the music! I like that on the emphasized notes you use an interesting scene, like the mommy's eyes opening. Very cool! I love the way you gradually increase the pace of the video as the song intensifies!! The scene seleciton and great, and the editing is awesome! Great idea, great execution!
Kaycee: Creepy! That was very comprehensive! I loved how fast the clips went by and the music you used added a scary tone. Perfect for this show!

Divine Awards
Such a great idea for a vid loved the dramatic music you used and it must have taken ages to find clips of just about every single monster from Buffy from season 1 right to season 7! A truly fantastic vid, wish I could have given it some more awards!

Awards: 15

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site