 Lyrics& Awards-Silent Night, Broken Night - Harry Potter 


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Silent Night, Broken Night
 By Damien Rice & Lisa Hannigan

Silent night, broken night
All is fallen when you take  your flight
I found some hate for you
Just for show
You found some love for me
Thinking I'd go
Don't keep me from crying to sleep
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, moonlit night
Nothing's changed
Nothing is right
I should be stronger than weeping alone
You should be weaker than sending me home
I can't stop you fighting from sleep
Sleep in heavenly peace


Surrender awards
A really sad video, you did really a great job capturing Harry and Hermione`s emotions, how heartbreaking it must be to be away from your family at Christmas and especially for Harry whose parents are dead, and how losing touch with Ron was affecting both Harry and Hermione, this video really touched me.

Awards: 12

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site