 Lyrics & Awards - Plug In Baby - The Matrix Trilogy


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Plug In Baby by Muse

I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath's no big surprise
And now it's time
For changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
Woah, my plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
Replace the envying
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
Woah, my plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

And I've seen your loving
And mine is gone
And I've been in trouble


Awards: 30

Best Action RU Movies Challenge
Best Song R9
Best Character R9

Best Action Rd27
Best Character Rd27

Best Ending Rd27
Best Song Use Rd27
Best POV RU  Rd27

Best Character MVA Rd8
Best Music Use RU Rd8
Best Action RU Rd8

Action Rd14
Ending RU Rd14

Best POV RU Rd38
Best of the Best Action

Art of Vidding - Fanvids edited  by Andrea (the_do_that_girl)   -  Whedonverse, TV and Film Fan Vids - Art of Vidding Awards Site